Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Android/DevelopmentKit

10/22/2017 05:28:45 AM (7 years ago)



  • Android/DevelopmentKit

    v1 v1  
     2          <div id="wikipage" class="trac-content"><h1 id="AndroidGW11036DevelopmentKit">Android GW11036 Development Kit</h1>
     4<a style="padding:0; border:none" href=""><img width="300px" alt="" title="" src="" /></a>
     7Gateworks has a fully featured Android Development Kit - <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span>- Click here for specifications and datasheets</a>.
     10This kit features the following special software configuration:
     12<ul><li>7" LVDS LCD Touchscreen Display
     13</li><li>Wireless radio to connect to wireless access points (access through the settings section)
     14</li><li>Bluetooth support - coming soon.
     15</li><li>GPS module - Also requires antenna to be plugged in and a clear view of the sky
     16<ul><li>For use with maps, etc
     17</li></ul></li><li>System on / off
     18<ul><li>Press and hold the main pushbutton for more than 10 seconds to turn the board off.
     19</li><li>Press the bushbutton again to wake the board
     20</li></ul></li><li>Custom Digital IO Pushbutton for Navigation - Coming soon
     21<ul><li>Connect a pushbutton to the DIO connector (J4) and the pushbutton will act as a 'Home' button in the Android OS
     22</li></ul></li></ul><h2 id="SettingUp">Setting Up</h2>
     24Most of the steps below have already been done from the factory:
     26<ul><li>Unpack all components
     27</li><li>Confirm SD card is mounted correctly in the SD Card Slot
     28</li><li>Connect LVDS cable to LVDS conenctor
     29</li><li>Connect Wireless Antenna
     30<ul><li>Bluetooth support - coming soon.
     31</li></ul></li><li>Connect GPS Antenna (Optional, not required)
     32</li><li>Power on board
     33</li><li>For serial console access, please see our generic <a class="wiki" href="/wiki/gettingstarted">'Getting Started' page</a>.
     34</li></ul><h2 id="AdditionalFeatures">Additional Features</h2>
     35<ul><li>The user pushbutton has been configured to act like a power button. Hold down the pushbutton for 10 seconds or until the screen goes black. You can then push the button to turn the system back on. Note, this is a full shut down and not a 'sleep'.
     36<ul><li>This is accomplished with a script in /data/bin/ <a class="wiki" href="/wiki/Android/OSDevelopment#init.rc">More Information Here</a>
     37</li></ul></li><li>Coming soon - The ability to hook an external pushbutton to a DIO pin on the board and that button would then act as a navigation button in the software, for example, acting as a 'HOME' button.
     38<ul><li>Bluetooth support - coming soon.
     39</li></ul></li></ul><h2 id="DevelopingandNextSteps">Developing and Next Steps</h2>
     41For more Android information, please reference the following links on this page:
     43<ul><li><a class="wiki" href="/wiki/Android">Gateworks Android Wiki Page</a>