[[PageOutline]] = JTAG USB User's Guide = The [https://shop.gateworks.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=155 Gateworks GW16099 JTAG Adapter] is used for flashing firmware to Gateworks Boards as well as serial console access. This device is used to access Gateworks devices for debugging and developing purposes. Gateworks provides a software utility application supporting x86 [#Linux Linux]. While JTAG programming is not supported for [#Windows Windows] operating systems you can use the JTAG dongle as a serial console. [[Image(wiki:jtag_instructions:gw16042.JPG,200px)]] References: * [https://shop.gateworks.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=155 GW16099/GW11033 on Gateworks on-line store] * [http://dev.gateworks.com/jtag/ Gateworks JTAG Utilities] == JTAG Executables == The latest Gateworks JTAG Utilities are found [http://dev.gateworks.com/jtag/ here] == Physical Connections == The JTAG header on a Gateworks single board computer (SBC) can be identified by looking at the connectors finding word JTAG silkscreened nearby on the PCB. Stand alone programmer: * [https://shop.gateworks.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=155&search=jtag GW11033 JTAG Kit, which includes the GW16099] = Instructions [=#linux-jtag] == Videos: * [https://youtu.be/TJZG46N_2dI jtag_usbv4, flashing .bin file, flashing GSC firmware, using mkimage_jtag to create .bin] * [https://youtu.be/Q7OU9sjMcCc Getting started with Screen and flashing with TFTP] == Software compatibility: The Gateworks {{{jtag_usb}}} utility supports x86 32bit and 64bit Linux systems. Ubuntu is recommended, however most x86 Linux distros should work. **Virtual Machines should not be used due to potential timing issues which will cause the flash to fail.** The most recent version {{{jtag_usbv4}}} supports all Gateworks product families and can be downloaded [http://dev.gateworks.com/jtag/ here] == Connecting the programmer The Gateworks JTAG dongle uses a FTDI FT2232C Dual USB-UART/FIFO chip and when enumerated on the USB bus on a desktop or laptop will show as: {{{#!bash lsusb | grep 0403:6010 Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0403:6010 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT2232C Dual USB-UART/FIFO IC }}} When connected the module {{{ftdi-sio}}} will expose two USB serial devices on the desktop/laptop, this can be verified using {{{dmesg -w}}} or {{{tail -f /var/log/syslog}}} when the programmer is connected to the workstation. {{{#!bash ls -l /dev/ttyUSB* crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Apr 2 07:04 /dev/ttyUSB0 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 1 Apr 2 07:04 /dev/ttyUSB1 }}} The first serial device (/dev/ttyUSB0) is used for JTAG, the second device (/dev/ttyUSB1) is for the serial console UART. You must remove the ftdi_sio module in order to use the [http://dev.gateworks.com/jtag/jtag_usbv4 jtag_usbv4] application. The jtag_usb works by loading a small application onto the target processor which runs out of the SDRAM. Therefore you may need to update to the latest version in order to have support for new boards or memory configurations. * Latest Linux x86 jtag_usb download: http://dev.gateworks.com/jtag/ === Conflict with ftdi-sio driver The {{{jtag_usb}}} application requires that the Linux {{{ftdi_sio}}} kernel module not be loaded to run. You can temporarily unload it, then reload it (ie by hotplugging the jtag dongle) when done if you require it. To remove the module (prior to programming): {{{ sudo rmmod ftdi_sio }}} You can determine if the ftdi_sio module is loaded using lsmod: {{{ lsmod | grep ftdi ftdi_sio 39858 1 usbserial 42355 3 ftdi_sio }}} * Here the ftdi_sio IS loaded, it must be removed to program. If you want to re-load the ftdi_sio module you can unplug and reconnect the Gateworks JTAG-USB Programmer on the USB bus (which triggers a hotplug event and reloads the module), or manually load it with {{{sudo modprobe ftdi_sio}}}. === Linux permissions on USB device Serial devices are part of the 'dialout' group therefore require root permissions. The following errors can be resolved by issuing the {{{jtag_usbv4}}} command as 'root'. {{{ $ jtag_usbv4 libusb couldn't open USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/005: Permission denied. libusb requires write access to USB device nodes. libusb couldn't open USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/005: Permission denied. libusb requires write access to USB device nodes. $ ls -l /dev/bus/usb/001/005 crw-rw-r-- 1 root root 189, 4 Apr 2 06:54 /dev/bus/usb/001/005 }}} Advanced users may wish to create rule to change the device permissions every time it's enumerated on the bus. This can be done by adding a udev rule which identifies the VendorID and ProductID of the Gateworks JTAG-USB Programmer and executes a chmod on it: {{{#!bash cat << EOF > 51-gateworks-jtag-ftdi.rules # GW16060 Dongle SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTR{idVendor}=="0403",ATTR{idProduct}=="6010",MODE="0666",GROUP="users" # GW16061 Gang adapter SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTR{idVendor}=="0403",ATTR{idProduct}=="6011",MODE="0666",GROUP="users" EOF sudo mv 51-gateworks-jtag-ftdi.rules /etc/udev/rules.d sudo chmod 655 /etc/udev/rules.d/51-gateworks-jtag-ftdi.rules # cause rules to be re-read and processed (or reboot) sudo udevadm control --reload-rules sudo service udev restart sudo udevadm trigger }}} [=#linux-jtag-flashing] == Using jtag_usb to read/write Firmware, Program Software Please see above for the download link to the latest jtag_usb executable. Note that an update may be required for new board models or memory configurations. '''Important Note''': It is not supported or recommended to 'hot swap' the JTAG ribbon cable or USB device from a desktop/laptop while the Gateworks SBC is powered on. All connections should be made before powering on the Gateworks SBC. 1. With the SBC powered off, connect the JTAG-USB Programmer to the JTAG header on a Gateworks Single Board Computer (SBC) using the attached ribbon cable. 2. Connect the JTAG-USB Programmer to a PC USB port using the supplied USB cable. 3. If using a SBC with a i.MX8M Plus CPU (Venice GW7xxx-2x or GW74xx), attach a USB cable from the USB port on the SBC to the the desktop/laptop host PC. 4. Verify FTDI module is not loaded. * {{{ sudo rmmod ftdi_sio }}} 5. Apply power to the Gateworks board. 6. Run the JTAG program (jtag_usbv4) with the syntax shown below to program a .bin file to the boards flash: {{{ ./jtag_usbv4 –p }}} * Optionally you can append 2>/dev/null to redirect error * Only flash .bin files using the jtag software. (or a .txt file for [wiki:/gsc#GSCUpdatesGSC programming]) * The switches –u –v are also available but are unnecessary to use when programming flash. * If you encounter any errors see the [#Troubleshooting Troubleshooting] section below. '''jtag_usbv4 options:''' ||= Option =||= Operation =||= Notes =|| ||-p ||Program Flash device using specified filename|| || ||-v ||Verify Flash device using specified filename|| || ||-u ||Upload Flash device using specified filename|| Ventana & Newport not supported || ||-m ||Program GSC Firmware using specified filename|| || ||-x ||Verify GSC Firmware using specified filename || || ==== Examples ==== Programming a firmware image: {{{#!bash ./jtag_usbv4 -p venice-imx8mm_u-boot_spl.bin Gateworks JTAG Programmer v4.0 r327 Copyright (C) 2004-2014, Gateworks Corporation, All Rights Reserved Built 08:28:20, Oct 29 2014 Using USB Port Channel # S01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USB Open Rev r0 JTAG_ID #00 CSD JTAG_ID #01 MSP Load Debugger OK Flash Size 58G Flash Test OK Flash Chk[0] INC Flash Prg[0] OK Flash Vfy[0] OK }}} ==== Troubleshooting ==== * If using a SBC with a i.MX8M Plus CPU (Venice GW7xxx-2x or GW74xx), additionally attach a USB cable from the USB port on the SBC to the the desktop/laptop host PC. * Permission denied: '''libusb couldn't open USB device''' - [#LinuxpermissionsonUSBdevice see above] regarding Linux permissions * fOP: '''USB Open Rev fOP''' - failure to open the USB device via libusb - you likely have the ftdi_sio serial driver loaded - [#conflictwithftdi-siodriver see above] * FAL: '''JTAG_ID_#00 FAL''' - failure to identify a supported JTAG TAP on the target device - likely you have not powered the target board * If while programming a board it gets stuck an invalid image may have locked up the board or the board is not powered on. Please try powering on the board. * Flashing a invalid image. There are times when downloading files that the html version was downloaded rather than the file itself. Check the file extension and file size to be sure you have the correct file. * While programming, if it gets stuck at "Load Debugger: fS3' or fS2, this may mean there are issues with the GSC. Please re-flash the GSC firmware as demonstrated here: http://trac.gateworks.com/wiki/gsc#GSCUpdates * Be sure to always use the latest version of {{{jtag_usbv4}}}, failure to do so can result in the inability to flash. * It is not supported or recommended to 'hot swap' the JTAG ribbon cable or USB device from a desktop/laptop while the Gateworks SBC is powered on. All connections should be made before powering on the Gateworks SBC. [=#images] == Creating jtagable binary images with mkimage_jtag * [https://youtu.be/TJZG46N_2dI jtag_usbv4, flashing .bin file, flashing GSC firmware, using mkimage_jtag to create .bin] In order to create a jtagable image for Newport and Ventana products, you need to use the {{{mkimage_jtag}}} script to create a binary file containing flash instructions and content used by the {{{jtag_usbv4}}} application. You can download the latest version of the script [http://dev.gateworks.com/ventana/images/mkimage_jtag here]: {{{#!bash wget http://dev.gateworks.com/jtag/mkimage_jtag chmod +x mkimage_jtag }}} The usage varies, depending on what you want to program, how, and where. For example, you can create images that only update the boot firmware without touching the rest of flash. In general you provide binary files and details on where to place them and what to erase. Notes: - Because JTAG is extremely slow for large flash parts such as eMMC it is advised that you use JTAG just to flash the boot firmware then use the boot firmware to flash the remainder of the device - the {{{-s}}} option invokes the 'scripted' mode which allows you to specify multiple objects - for eMMC: * you must use the {{{-s}}} scripted mode and the {{{-e}}} flag to erase the entire part does nothing special as the erase mode is specified for each blob * you can specify the '--partconf ' option to instruct {{{jtag_usbv4}}} to configure the eMMC to boot off the boot0, boot1, or user hardware partition * each blob must match the format @::-[end-block] where: - hardware-partition specifies the eMMC hardware partition: boot0, boot1, or user - erase-mode specifies what type of erase mode to use: * erase_none - no erase * erase_all - erase the entire hardware partition from block 0 to end of device * erase_part - erase only part of the hardware partition specified by and * if end block is not specified it will default to the last block of the hardware partition - for NAND: - you do not need to use the {{{-s}}} scripted mode and can instead use the following legacy syntax: * mkimage_jtag > firmware.bin # program ubi@17MB and erasing to the end of the device * mkimage_jtag > firmware.bin # program the SPL and U-Boot only erasing 0 to 16MB (thus leaving U-Boot env and ubi in-tact) * mkimage_jtag > firmware.bin # erase entire part and program the SPL, U-Boot, and UBI - if you wish to erase the entire NAND part use the {{{-e}}} flag which also specifies scripted mode Examples: * eMMC: - configure the eMMC to boot from the user hardware partition, program the boot firmware to the user hardware partition but only erase from block 0 to block 32768 (0 to 16MiB): {{{#!bash ./mkimage_jtag --emmc -s --partconf=user firmware.img@user:erase_part:0-32768 > firmware.bin }}} - configure the eMMC to boot from the user hardware partition, program the boot firmware to the user hardware partition and erase the entire user hardware partition: {{{#!bash ./mkimage_jtag --emmc -s --partconf=user firmware.img@user:erase_all:0-32768 > firmware.bin }}} * Ventana NAND: (see wiki:ventana/bootloader#nand here for NAND flash map) - update just the boot firmware (SPL and u-boot) - Does not erase anything else: {{{#!bash ./mkimage_jtag SPL u-boot.img > uboot.bin }}} - program a UBI image erasing to the end of the device (does not touch boot firmware): {{{#!bash ./mkimage_jtag openwrt-ventana-rootfs.ubi > image.bin }}} - program boot firmware and a UBI (erases entire flash): {{{#!bash ./mkimage_jtag SPL u-boot.img openwrt-ventana-rootfs.ubi > image.bin }}} - program U-boot SPL, env, and erase entire part using scripted mode {{{#!bash mkimage_jtag -e SPL@0 u-boot.img@14M env@16M > image.bin }}} Once these steps are complete and the bin file has been generated, follow the other instructions on this page to flash this .bin file to the board. Linux instructions for programming are here [#linux-jtag-flashing] Troubleshooting: * If downloaded from a browser, make sure the {{{mkimage_jtag}}} script does not have any file extensions such as txt and be sure is has executable permissions. [=#linux-serial] == Serial Console Access on Linux [https://youtu.be/9LKgHiAq-BM Establishing a serial console in Linux instructional video] The JTAG connector on all Gateworks Families includes a serial port. You may use the device with your favorite linux terminal program (Screen, etc...) at 115,200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and no flow control '''Gateworks suggests using the program screen to access the serial console.''' Example: open /dev/ttyUSB1 (Note that the device may vary on your system if you had /dev/ttyUSB devices prior to plugging the JTAG adapter into your USB bus) {{{ screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200,cs8 }}} * You may need to use the sudo command in front of the screen command * Typically /dev/tty* nodes are owned by root.dialout which means you need to be root or a member of the dialout group. If this is the case you will get a permissions error and you can either run the command with a 'sudo' in front of it, or add your user to the dialout group Now that access to the console has been established you may wish to flash your firmware using TFTP. This method is much faster than using Jtag. Instructions are specific to board family: * Ventana [wiki:/linux/ubi#UpdatingNANDFLASHwithaUBIimage] * Newport [wiki:/newport/firmware#UpdateFirmwareviaSerialConsoleandEthernet] * Venice [wiki:/venice/firmware#UpdateFirmwareviaSerialConsoleandEthernetfromBootloader] Troubleshooting: * you will likely need to add your user to the dialog group by editing the /etc/group file: {{{ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB* }}} * make sure modem-manager is not installed as this will perform serial operations on new tty devices when they appear on the system and likely cause issues with using screen on the same port: {{{ sudo apt-get remove --purge modem-manager }}} [=#windows] == Windows === Programming **Gateworks does not offer JTAG programming software for Windows** If you're limited to using a system which has Windows naively installed consider creating a 'live boot' (with persistance) USB with Ubuntu. * https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#1-overview [=#windows-terminal] === Windows Operating Instructions For Serial You can use a terminal program for windows such as [http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html Putty] / Hyperterminal to connect to the Gateworks board serially over the JTAG / or serial port as long as the FTDI Virtual COM port drivers are installed on your system: * https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm - Downloads for x86 (32bit) and x64 (64bit) Windows drivers To see if you have the proper drivers installed simply connect the Gateworks JTAG dongle to your Windows PC and look in the 'Device Manager' application under 'COM Ports' to see if a new serial device was added. Configure the terminal program for 115,200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and no flow control. Power the board, and wait for text to output. Hitting the 'Enter' key may also bring up a prompt. Please see these excellent howto's for various terminal program on Windows: - [http://kb.cyberoam.com/default.asp?id=2193 Setup Serial Console Connection using PuTTy] - [http://www.microsemi.com/document-portal/doc_view/130815-configuring-serial-terminal-emulation-programs Configuring Serial Terminal Emulation Programs (Hyperterm, PuTTy, and Terra Term Pro)] = General Troubleshooting 1. Do not use a Virtual Machine 1. USB hubs may lead to inconsistent serial data. Create a direct USB connection. 1. If while programming a board it gets stuck an invalid image may have locked up the board or the board is not powered on. Please try powering on the board. 1. Flashing a invalid image. There are times when downloading files that the html version was downloaded rather than the file itself. Check the file extension and file size to be sure you have the correct file. 1. While programming, if it gets stuck at "Load Debugger: fS3' or fS2, this may mean there are issues with the GSC. Please re-flash the GSC firmware as demonstrated here: http://trac.gateworks.com/wiki/gsc#GSCUpdates 1. Ground loops can occur between the board power supply and the JTAG cable. Be aware of this and isolate properly. 1. GW16042 with 10 > 14 pin adapter board will flail to flash Newport boards. Serial console is verified to work. If still have difficulties, please contact Gateworks support at !support@gateworks.com = JTAG Programmer Hardware Please see out JTAG hardware page here: [wiki:jtag JTAG Hardware PAGE]