Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of expansion/gw16130

06/13/2019 10:16:04 PM (6 years ago)
Ryan Erbstoesser

update low res pic


  • expansion/gw16130

    v20 v21  
    44The GW16130 is a Mini-PCIe Satellite Modem that provides cost-effective, short burst satellite connectivity for asset tracking, fleet management, telemetry, oceanographic data, grid monitoring and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The GW16130 features an Iridium 9603N satellite transceiver which allows two-way communications anywhere in the world with a clear line of sight to the sky. The Iridium network consists of 66 satellites and provides 24/7 world wide coverage. The 9603N module is used for short burst data packets (340bytes uplink, 270bytes downlink) and perfect for IoT remote sensor applications with minimal non-realtime data requirements. The GW16130 modem will work in a full size Mini-PCIe socket that includes a USB 2.0 interface. See the Gateworks website for suggested single board computers that can be used with this modem. Serial communications to the module is through an onboard FTDI USB to UART bridge. All power conditioning circuitry is contained on the board in addition to an u.Fl antenna connector for connecting an external satellite antenna. Note that an Iridium approved satellite antenna must be used when operating on the Iridium network. The GW16130 modem requires a monthly data plan which can be established with a number of 3rd party providers. Typical data charges are ~$20 USD per month with 12Kbytes of data included.
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    88GW16130 = GW16127 Mini-PCIe carrier + Iridium 9603 modem module