Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of gps

08/13/2024 04:17:10 PM (8 months ago)
Ryan Erbstoesser

clean up old gps notes


  • gps

    v22 v23  
    110 === '''u-blox ZOE-M8''' (Venice & Newport Family of SBC's and Specific Ventana Models) ===
     110=== '''u-blox ZOE-M8''' (Venice Family of SBC's) ===
    112112- ZOE-M8 Datasheet (UBX-16008094)
    180 [=#evam8m]
    181 === '''u-blox EVA-M8M-0''' (GW553x) ===
    182 References:
    183 - [ EVA-M8M Datasheet]
    184 - u-blox M8 Receiver Protocol Specification (UBX-13003221)
    186 Features:
    187  * 72-channel u-blox M8 concurrent position receiver engine supporting multiple concurrent Global Navigation Satellite System's (GNSS):
    188   - [#gps GPS]: L1C/A (1575.42MHz)
    189   - [#glonass GLONASS]: L1OF (1602MHz)
    190   - [#qzss QZSS]: L1C/A (1575.42MHz)
    191   - [#sbas SBAS]: WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS: L1C/A (1575.42MHz)
    192  * [#dgps Differential GPS] (DGPS): [#rtcm RTCM] 10402.3:
    193  * Navigation Update Rate: 10Hz (GPS&GLONASS) or 18Hz (GPS) 
    194  * Accuracy:
    195   - Velocity: 0.05m/s
    196   - Heading: 0.3degrees
    197   - Horiz position: Autonomous 2.5m / SBAS 2.0m
    198   - PPS: 30ns RMS, 99% 60ns
    199  * Sensitivity:
    200   - Tracking & Navigation: -164dBm (GPS&GLONASS) -163dBm (GPS)
    201   - Re-acquisition: -159dBm
    202   - Cold start: -147dBm
    203  * Acquisition:
    204   - Cold start Time-to-First-Fix (TTFF): 27s (GPS&GLONASS) or 30s (GPS only)
    205   - Hot start Time-to-First-Fix (TTFF): 1s
    206  * [#pps PPS]:
    207   - 30ns accuracy, configurable via UBX-CFG-TP5 with rate 0.25Hz to 10Mhz, high or low polarity, 0 to 2^32^ ms pulse width (see u-blox M8 Receiver Description UBX-13003221 Chapter 18)
    208   - Note that for best PPS accuracy it is recommended to disable the SBAS subsystem
    209  * Communication:
    210   - 9600 baud, 8bit no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control supporting multiple protocols:
    211    - [#nmea0183 NMEA]: Input / Output ASCII 0183 version 4.0 (configurable for 2.3 or 4.1)
    212    - [#ubx UBX]: Input / Output binary u-blox proprietary
    213    - [#rtcm RTCM]: Input, messages 1,2,3,9
    214  * Active Antenna: 15dB to 50dB recommended
    215  * Power Consumption (not including active antenna power consumption):
    216   - ~27mA (90mW) during acquisition for GPS & GLONASS, 22mA for GPS/QZSS/SBAS
    217   - ~25mA (83mW) during continuous mode tracking for GPS & GLONASS, 19mA for GPS/QZSS/SBAS
    218   - ~5.5mA (18mW) during 1Hz power-save mode tracking (for GPS/QZSS/SBAS only)
    220 Power-on Defaults:
    221  * 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit:
    222  * GPS & GLONASS enabled
    223  * SBAS enabled
    224  * output: NMEA: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG, TXT messages
    225  * input: UBX, NMEA, RTCM
    226  * PPS: 100ms active high pulse at 1Hz
    228 Note that the EVA-M8M is not connected to an RTC, battery backup, or external flash on Gateworks designs (which disallows for permanent configuration storage and firmware upgrade)
    243195 * GNSS - '''GN''' (message pertaining to any type of GNSS)
    246 [=#w2sg0008i]
    247 === '''Wi2Wi W2SG0008i''' (GW54xx rev C-F, GW53xx rev A-F, GW52xx rev A-D, GW51xx) ===
    248 References:
    249  * [ Product Brief]
    250  * [ Product Datasheet]
    251  * NMEA Reference Manual (CS-129435-MA-1)
    252  * One Socket Protocol Interface Control Document (OSP_ICD) (CS-129291-DC-15)
    254 Features:
    255  * CSR/SiRF SiRFStarIV GSD4e
    256  * 48 channel continuous tracking receiver (reports best 12 of 48):
    257   - [#gps GPS]: L1C/A (1575.42MHz)
    258   - [#sbas SBAS]: WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS/GAGAN: L1C/A (1575.42MHz)
    259  * [#dgps Differential GPS] (DGPS)
    260  * Navigation Update Rate 1-5Hz
    261  * Acquisition:
    262   * Hot Start TTFF@-136dBm: 0.6sec
    263   * Min Acquisition Signal: -153dBm
    264  * Sensitivity: Tracking -163dBm / Acquisition -148dBm
    265  * Accuracy:
    266   * 3m stationary horizontal (with DGPS), 15m stationary horizontal (without DPGS)
    267  * Communication:
    268   * 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (aka '''8N1''' or '''cs8'''), no flow control
    269   * baudrate: can vary between 4800 and 115200 (see below)
    270   * [#nmea0183 NMEA 0183] v3.01, configurable 1 to 255 seconds between messages, supports: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG, ZDA messages
    271   * [#osp OSP™] (SiRF BINARY™) proprietary protocol
    272  * [#pps PPS]:
    273   * ±1us accuracy, rising edge 1Hz 200ms width active-high when there are 5+ satellites used in a fix (not configurable)
    274  * Internal LNA Gain:
    275   * High Gain Mode '''(default)''' intended for use with passive antennas
    276   * Low Gain Mode intended for use with active antennas (that have their own LNA)
    278 Power-on Default configuration:
    279  * 4800 baud
    280  * NMEA 0183 output 1Hz
    281  * LNA high gain mode
    284 ==== W2SG0008i (SiRFStarIV) NMEA Command Reference: ====
    285 References:
    286  * NMEA Reference Manual (CS-129435-MA-1)
    288 Notes:
    289  * NMEA 4800bd 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) is the default power-on communication mode of the W2SG0008i
    290  * Flow control is not used between the GPS and the host processor and thus should be disabled
    291  * SiRF NMEA reports a maximum of 12 satellites in its GSV messages even though more may be visible (use [#osp OSP] protocol if you want more detail on the 48 channels)
    294 Examples:
    295  * The proprietary PSRF100 command will change the baudrate and data format. Consult the reference manual (above) section 2-3 for more info.
    296   * Example: '''To change the baud from the power-on default 4800bd to 9600bd''':
    297 {{{#!bash
    298 # set tty for current baudrate and data format
    299 stty -F /dev/gpsdevice 4800 cs8
    300 # send a PSRF100 command to set the format (1=NMEA mode) baudrate (9600) and data format
    301 echo "\$PSRF100,1,9600,8,1,0*0D" > /dev/gpsdevice
    302 # set new tty baudrate for further communication
    303 stty -F /dev/gpsdevice 9600
    304 }}}
    305    * 1,9600,8,1 is the data payload. Specifically, the first '1' specifies that this is a NMEA message, while the rest of the payload determines the speed of the GPS receiver.
    306    * ensure that /dev/gpsdevice corresponds to the correct tty above in the [#hardware hardware mappings section]
    307    * if changing the above NMEA sentence, be sure to [ update the checksum]
    308  * The proprietary PSRF103 command will set the rates of the various NMEA messages.  Consult the reference manual (above) section 2-6 for more info.
    309   * Example: '''To set the period of all messages to one every 1 seconds''':
    310 {{{#!bash
    311 # set tty for current baudrate and data format assuming power-on default of 4800bd 8N1
    312 stty -F /dev/ttymxc4 4800 cs8
    313 echo "\$PSRF103,00,00,01,01*26" > /dev/gpsdevice # GGA every 2 sec
    314 echo "\$PSRF103,01,00,01,01*25" > /dev/gpsdevice # GLL every 2 sec
    315 echo "\$PSRF103,02,00,01,01*28" > /dev/gpsdevice # GSA every 2 sec
    316 echo "\$PSRF103,03,00,01,01*27" > /dev/gpsdevice # GSV every 2 sec
    317 echo "\$PSRF103,04,00,01,01*22" > /dev/gpsdevice # RMC every 2 sec
    318 echo "\$PSRF103,05,00,01,01*21" > /dev/gpsdevice # VTG every 2 sec
    319 }}}
    320    * if changing the above NMEA sentences, be sure to [ update the checksum]
    321    * ensure that /dev/gpsdevice cooresponds to the correct tty above in the [#hardware hardware mappings section]
    396 [=#w2sg0008i-lna]
    397 ==== W2SG0008i LNA Gain ====
    398 The W2SG0008i used on most Gateworks Ventana boards defaults on power-up to use its internal high gain LNA which is appropriate for passive antennas but not necessarily appropriate for active-antennas which have their own LNA at the antenna.
    400 While Gateworks has tested,,1,, and found no adverse affects in terms of GPS sensitivity and accuracy when using the [ GW10044 Active GPS antenna] with the default power-up high-gain internal LNA your results may vary depending on your antenna and system characteristics.
    402 If you wish to configure the Ws2G0008i internal LNA for low-gain you must do the following according to the [ W2SG0008i datasheet] section 6.4.1:
    403  1. Switch GPS Communication Protocol from NMEA to OSP mode.
    404  2. Send Tracker Configuration Message (OSP MID 178, 02) - (Disable Internal LNA and drive GPS_EXT-LNA_EN signal)
    405  3. Wait for SiRFStarIV ACK
    406  4. Perform a Hot Start reset; Tracker Configuration setting requests in message (OSP MID 178, 02) will apply after performing this reset.
    407  5. Wait for SiRFStarIV ACK
    408  6. Switch GPS Communication Protocol back to NMEA.
    410 The gateworks-gps-utils.tar.gz attached at the bottom of this page contains source for a C application "sirf_osp" that will do the above in a short series of commands. After building the application for your BSP run the following commands to put the gps module into LNA low gain mode:
    411 {{{#!bash
    412 DEVICE="/dev/ttymxc4" # Refer to Hardware UART Mappings section above to verify device
    413 ./sirf_osp $DEVICE 4800 osp 115200  # Changes board from default NMEA/4800 to OSP/115200
    414 ./sirf_osp $DEVICE 115200 lna low   # Sends OSP command for LNA low mode
    415 ./sirf_osp $DEVICE 115200 config    # Prints configuration to verify LNA mode of low ("LNA:1")
    416 }}}
    417  ,,1 See Indoor GPS Testing section below for test details and complete sirf_osp usage example
    443295Please also consult the manual / datasheet [#evam8m above].
    445 === Wi2Wi module (Ventana product family) ===
    446 Maximum Antenna Gain:
    447  * In high gain mode, a passive antenna acts as input. Total RF gain (sum of internal LNA gain, cable and filter losses) of ≤ 5 dB is considered acceptable.
    448  * In low gain mode, an active antenna acts as input. Total RF gain (sum of external antenna gain, internal LNA gain, cable and filter losses) of '''14 to 24 dB is considered acceptable'''.
    450 Please also consult the manual / datasheet [#w2sg0008i above].