Changes between Version 41 and Version 42 of newport/bsp

12/09/2021 05:50:24 PM (3 years ago)
Tim Harvey

added more info about the repo tool


  • newport/bsp

    v41 v42  
     114=== Working with the repo tool
     116==== Updating to the latest code
     117When working with the {{{repo}}} tool you can update to the latest code using the {{{repo sync}}} command:
     119$ repo sync
     120Fetching: 100% (8/8), done in 5.258s
     121Garbage collecting: 100% (8/8), done in 0.188s
     122repo sync has finished successfully.
     125The {{{repo}}} tool works off of a manifest file in {{{.repo/manifests/default.xml}}} which specifies the various projects, what repo they are in, and where they are checked out in your directory structure. If a branch has changed, a project added, or a project removed the manifest file will be updated when you run {{{repo sync}}} then it will update the various project repos. If a branch has changed to something new you can encounter an error such as:
     127$ repo sync
     128remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done.
     129remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
     130remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1/1), done.
     131remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 3 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
     132Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
     133project .repo/manifests/
     134Updating 5c981dac1797..0b0055e7445e
     137error: in `sync`: revision v5.10.76-venice in Gateworks/linux-venice not found
     140This specific error is saying that the 'v5.10.76-venice' revision (or branch) is not in the current working copy of the repo. To resolve this you need to do a {{{git remote update}}} for that project:
     142git -C linux remote update
     146==== Using the latest version
     147The {{{repo}}} tool is updated frequently. While it is rarely necessary to have the latest version it will inform you if there is an update and how to install that update in the current working directory:
     149$ repo sync
     151... A new version of repo (2.17) is available.
     152... You should upgrade soon:
     153    cp /usr/src/venice/bsp/.repo/repo/repo /home/user/bin/repo
     157To update the {{{repo}}} tool just copy the file as mentioned above:
     159cp .repo/repo/repo $HOME/bin/repo
    114165=== Modifying the stand-alone Linux Kernel (ie for Ubuntu)