
Version 3 (modified by Tim Harvey, 7 years ago) ( diff )

added new errata

Newport Errata

The below errata only affects certain models and certain revisions.

Please contact support@… with any questions.

NP1 Occasional failure to detect GigE PHY on GW6300-B


  • The TI DP83867 PHY's are occasionally not detected on board power-up. This is caused by the MDIO voltage rail inappropriately tied to 3.3V instead of the desired 2.5V as well as the lack of a RST# signal going to the PHY's which should not be necessary per the datasheet but has been found experimentally to be required. Upon failure the Boot Firmware will fail to detect the PHY on the MDIO channel and the network device will not be present.


  • This is resolved on PCB 02210153-02 (GW630x-C) (Rev C)
  • This is resolved via re-work (cut/wire) on GW630x-B.3 (Rev B.3)

Affected Product:

  • GW630x-B (PCB 02210153-01)

NP2 Reverse Polarity voltage protection


  • Reverse Polarity voltage protection on the power input to the board is not available. Powering the board with Vin polarity reversed will result in board damage.


  • Reverse Polarity voltage protection will be added.

Affected Product:

  • GW640x-A (PCB 02210154-00)
  • GW630x-B/C (PCB 02210153-01, PCB 02210153-02)
  • GW610x-A (PCB 02210151-00)

Fixed in:

  • GW640x-B (PCB 02210154-01)
  • GW630x-D (PCB 02210153-03)
  • GW610x-B (PCB 02210151-01)

NP3 CPU Temperature Sensor


  • The temperature sense logic of the CN80XX Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) is not properly calibrated resulting in unexpected temperature readings (Cavium CN80XX ID 32702). As a result, the CPU Temperature is not obtainable from the SoC in current silicon (Pass 1.0, 1.1, 1.2)


  • An external temperature sensing device will be added using the CN80XX thermal core diode junction to provide CPU temperature sense capability.

Affected Product:

  • GW640x-A (PCB 02210154-00)
  • GW630x-B/C (PCB 02210153-01, PCB 02210153-01)

Added in:

  • GW640x-B (PCB 02210154-01)
  • GW630x-D (PCB 02210153-03)

NP4 eFUSE Program-ability


  • The One-Time-Programmable (OTP) eFUSE banks available on the CN80XX require external circuitry to program.


  • External circuitry will be added to boards to allow programming outside of a test fixture.

Affected Product:

  • GW640x-A (PCB 02210154-00)
  • GW630x-B/C (PCB 02210153-01, PCB 02210153-01)

Added in:

  • GW640x-B (PCB 02210154-01)
  • GW630x-D (PCB 02210153-03)
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