Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of qt

12/16/2021 07:44:26 PM (3 years ago)
Tim Harvey

minor cleanup and add directory note for aarch64 systems


  • qt

    v8 v9  
    112112# install qtwebengine minimal code example
    113113apt install qtwebengine5-examples
    114 cd /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/examples/webengine/minimal
     114cd /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/examples/webengine/minimal # for 32bit arm systems
     115cd /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt5/examples/webengine/minimal # for 64bit aarch64 systems
    115116# edit main.qml if you want to change the width/height or url
    116117qmake # generate Makefile from *.pro
    141 == Qt GL Video Demo
    142 This UX demo application shows how to render video frames on 3D objects which in turn are integrated in a Q graphical features of Qt5. The name 'Cinematic Experience' reflects how it's possible to build user interfaces with increased dynamics.
     142== Qt5 GL Video Demo
     143This UX demo application shows how to render video frames on 3D objects which in turn are integrated in a Q graphical features of Qt5.
    144145The video frames are produced by the GStreamer !GstPlayer library. They are uploaded into OpenGL textures, which are then used on 3D meshes. These meshes are rendered in QQuickFramebufferObject !QtQuick 2 items, and the items are composed by a !PathView on screen. The 3D objects can be rotated with the mouse or with touch events. UI controls allow for adjusting several parameters such as opacity, scale, mesh type, etc. and for adding/removing objects. The video frames can come from local video files, network streams, or Video4Linux2 based video capture devices.
    182183# install qt5 runtime and qml modules required
    183184apt install qt5-default
     185# clone the repo and build
    184186git clone git:// -b 5.12
    185187cp -r qtbase/examples/widgets/touch/fingerpaint .
    193 Qt's input systems:
    195195Qt can use Linux evdev directly for input or it can use helper libraries such as libinput or tslib:
    196196 * By default Qt5 on Ubuntu is using libinput and there is no tslib support
    198198 * If you wish to disable libinput you can set 'QT_QPA_EGLFS_NO_LIBINPUT=1' for eglfs backend or 'QT_QPA_FB_NO_LIBINPUT=1' for linuxfb backend and input will default to evdev.
    200 evdev:
    202200When using evdev you can parameters via QT_QPA_EVDEV_TOUCHSCREEN_PARAMETERS with colon separated parameters, for example:
    203201 - Run fingerpaint using evdev and linuxfb backend and specify /dev/input/event1 for input, rotate input 90 degrees, and invert both x and y: