Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of venice/gw7905

05/23/2023 11:56:04 PM (21 months ago)
Ron Eisworth



  • venice/gw7905

    v3 v4  
    11= Venice GW7905
    3 The Venice GW7905 is a small single board computer that features a half-card Mini-PCIe slot, a full size Mini-PCIe slot, and USB.
    5 The GW7905 can be used with a GW7020 SOM that features the NXP i.MX8M Plus processor.
     4The Venice GW7905 is a small single board computer that features a half-card Mini-PCIe slot, a full size Mini-PCIe slot, and USB. The GW7905 can be used with a GW7020 SOM that features the NXP i.MX8M Plus Quad Core processor running at 1.6GHz, 1GB DRAM, 8GB of Flash.
     6== Features
     10 - NXP i.MX8M Plus Quadcore 1.6GHz SoC
     11 - 1GB LPDDR4 memory, 8GB eMMC Flash
     12 - Gateworks System Controller (GSC) with integrated EEPROM, button controller, and ADC's
     13 - GPS
     14 - microSD
     15 - I/O connector with I2C, SPI, GPIO
     16 - 1x full-length miniPCIe socket with PCI/USB3 (via mux) and USB2.0
     17 - 1x half-length miniPCIe socket with USB2.0 and USB3.0
     18 - USB Type-C with USB PD Sink capability and peripheral support
     19 - USB Type-C with USB 3.0 host support
     20 - Wide range buck/boost DC supply (3.6V to 20V)
    722== Getting Started
     24The GW7905 can be powered using the J13 (2-pin) connector (supports 3.6 to 20V DC input) or through the J14 USB Type-C connector using a USB-C charger. The USB-C power profile supports the following profiles by default:
     26 - PDO1 (low priority) 5V@1.5A
     27 - PDO2 (medium) 15V@1.5A
     28 - PDO3 (high priority) 20V@1.0A
     30Other profiles can be programmed into the controller as well. Contact support for other options.
     32Depending on the type of cards loaded in the Mini-PCIe sites PD02 or PD03 profiles might be required. The board typically runs at 2.5W without any Mini-PCIe cards installed.
    934To get to the serial console, please use the standard [wiki:gettingstarted Getting Started Wiki]
    1742== Connectors
     44See the following sections for details on the board connectors and pinouts.
    1951=== J13 Power
    2052A 2MM pitch power header that supports 3.6 to 20V DC input.
    2254Pin 1 is power, and Pin 2 is ground.
     56=== J5 Mini-PCIe Full Length
     57Supports PCIe and USB 3.0 (controlled by mux), USB 2.0, PERST#, WDIS#
     59=== J12 Mini-PCIe Half Length
     60Supports PCIe and USB 2.0, PERST#, WDIS#
    2462=== J14 USB
    26 This is a USB TYPE-C that can support USB 3.0 speeds and power delivery to the board
     64This is a USB TYPE-C that can support USB 3.0 peripheral and power delivery to the board.
    2866=== J1 USB
    30 This is a USB TYPE-C that can support USB 3.0 speeds and power output from the board
     68This is a USB TYPE-C that can support USB 3.0 host and power output from the board.
    3270=== J15 MicroSD