Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of venice/yocto

04/24/2023 07:02:11 PM (22 months ago)
Ryan Erbstoesser

add disclaimer and email Gateworks for prebuilt


  • venice/yocto

    v1 v2  
    11= Yocto on Venice SBCs
    3 Yocto is a Linux distribution.
     4Yocto is a Linux distribution that was widely used on Ventana SBCs. Gateworks Yocto wiki page is located [wiki:Yocto here]
    5 Gateworks does not formally include Yocto in the Venice BSP, but it is possible to use the NXP Yocto root filesystem with the Gateworks kernel to boot Yocto on a Venice SBC.
     6Gateworks does not formally include Yocto in the Venice BSP, but it is possible to use the NXP Yocto root filesystem with the Gateworks kernel to boot Yocto on a Venice SBC as a sample.
    78== Demo / Sample Pre-Built Binary
    1314NOTE, please first install a full Ubuntu image as a base on the Venice SBC to get the bootloader and everything setup. [wiki:venice/ubuntu Link Here]
    15 Download the Yocto demo binary [ here] and place on TFTP server.
     16Download the full Yocto demo binary by emailing Gateworks support and placing it on TFTP server.
    1718Once Ubuntu is booting, then work on loading the Yocto demo binary through TFTP. Note that the binary is quite large at 1.2GB, and thus a Venice SBC with 4GB of DRAM is required to load over the network. If using a 1GB DRAM SBC, it will be required to load from removable storage.
    4142== Assembling Binary
    43 If trying to use a different rootfs or different kernel, use the following instructions to create a custom rootfs image file:
     44If trying to use a different rootfs or different kernel, use the following instructions as a guideline to create a custom rootfs image file:
    4546# Get a root filesystem from NXP's Linux BSP download page: (REQUIRES NXP LOGIN)
    7980#Transfer imx-image-full.ext4 to a TFTP server and use the update_rootfs script to flash it toe the Venice SBC as shown in the instructions above
     83== Next Steps
     85Gateworks simply provided a sample demo for testing purposes. Using Yocto for a full production environment with the ability to customize and update is at the sole discretion of the user.