Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of ventana/ubuntu

02/14/2019 09:09:32 PM (5 years ago)
Tim Harvey

clarified gstreamer-imx requires 3.14 kernel (trusty) and removed problematic x11 section (to be added later against mainline kernel)


  • ventana/ubuntu

    v30 v31  
    480 == Adding GStreamer IPU/VPU/GPU support via gstreamer-imx ==
    481 You can easily add IMX6 IPU, VPU, and GPU support via GStreamer and Gstreamer-imx plugins. Many of the pieces needed (firmware and source-code) are from Freescale and not freely redistributable thus must be downloaded from their mirror and extracted from a shell script that forces you to read and agree to their End User License Agreement (EULA).
     480== Adding GStreamer IPU/VPU/GPU support via gstreamer-imx (**Trusty**)
     481**Note: This section pertains only to the Gateworks downstream vendor 3.14 kernel with proprietary Freescale Drivers (Trusty Prebuilt image)**
     483If using the Gateworks downstream vendor 3.14 kernel with proprietary Freescale drivers you can easily add IMX6 IPU, VPU, and GPU support via GStreamer and Gstreamer-imx plugins. Many of the pieces needed (firmware and source-code) are from Freescale and not freely redistributable thus must be downloaded from their mirror and extracted from a shell script that forces you to read and agree to their End User License Agreement (EULA).
    483485This support requires that you are using the Gateworks downstream vendor kernel as it has the necessary driver support that is not in the mainline Linux kernel.  '''This procedure has not been proven on versions newer than Trusty.   '''
    670672See the [wiki:Yocto/gstreamer Gstreamer wiki page] for more details.
    673 [=#X11]
    674 == Adding X11 Support ==
    675 You can easily add X11 support to a base image created with the debootstrap instructions above by adding a few package groups. You will need the following:
    676  * X11 server - ie Xorg
    677  * Display Manager - this controls the login to the X session
    678  * Window Manager - manages window position, re-sizing, decorations, etc for X clients
    680 A common solution is to install a Desktop Environment such as the [ Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE)] that is used for Lubuntu. LXDE includes the Xorg X11 server, the lxdm Display Manager, the openbox Window Manager, and a slew of useful user applications including the Chromium browser:
    681 {{{
    682 #!bash
    683 apt-get update
    684 apt-get upgrade
    685 apt-get install lxde xinit # adds ~434MB to a base console image
    686 }}}
    688 Notes:
    689  * you will need to add a non-root user with {{{adduser}}} for Chromium browser to work. You may choose to set up auto-login for that user by editing /etc/lxdm/default.conf and setting the {{{autologin}}} property in the {{{base}}} section at the beginning of the config file.
    690  * you will need to use a kernel with the vivante GPU driver built as a module or the Xorg server will crash
    692 === Hardware GPU Acceleration for X11 ===
    694 ''' Note the below information has not been 100% proved out, proceed at your own risk '''
    696 To add hardware GPU acceleration to X11 you need to add some libraries and drivers provided by Freescale from the imx-gpu-viv package. This requires signing Freescales End User License Agreement (EULA). This package provides the following:
    697  - libg2d - a documented low-level API to the GPU (used by things like libimxvpuapi for gstreamer-imx and the gpu-core drivers)
    698  - gpu-core - provides all the various OpenGL libs (libGL, libGLESv1_CM, libGLESv1_CL, libGLESv2, libGLSLC, libCLC, libEGL, libGAL, libOpenCL, libOpenVG) typically provided by the mesa project. Note that several versions of libEGL/libGAL/libGLESv2/libVIVANTE are provided for different backend rendering systems: dfb, fb, wl, x11.
    700 Procedure:
    701 1. Install Freescale Vivante GPU libs (EULA):
    702 {{{
    703 #!bash
    704 wget
    705 /bin/sh imx-gpu-viv-*.bin # accept EULA
    706 cd imx-gpu-viv-*
    707 # install just the g2d headers/libs
    708 cp g2d/usr/include/g2d.h /usr/include/
    709 cp -d g2d/usr/lib/libg2d* /usr/lib/
    710 # install gpu-core headers/libs
    711 cp -Pr gpu-core/usr/* /usr
    712 # install vivante driver for accelerated X11:
    713 cp /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
    714 chmod 644 /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
    715 # optional: install demos
    716 cp -r gpu-demos/opt /
    717 # optional: install gpu tools
    718 cp -axr gpu-tools/gmem-info/usr/bin/* /usr/bin/
    719 # fix lib collision between fsl/viv gpu-core and libgl1-mesa package
    720 rm /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mesa/*
    721 # fix lib collision between fsl/viv gpu-core and libegl1-mesa package
    722 rm /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mesa-egl/*
    723 # fix lib collision between fsl/viv gpu-core and libgles1-mesa package
    724 #rm /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/*
    725 #rm /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mesa-egl/*
    726 # fix lib collision between fsl/viv gpu-core and libgles2-mesa package
    727 #rm /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/* # not there
    728 rm /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mesa-egl/*
    729 # fix lib collision between fsl/viv gpu-core and libopenvg1-mesa package
    730 rm /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mesa-egl/*
    731 }}}
    732  * Note: this could be better handled by creating a package and using Ubuntu/Debian 'alternatives' to handle library selection
    734 2. switch to gpu-core x11 backend:
    735 {{{
    736 #!bash
    737 backend=x11
    738 ln -sf libEGL-${backend}.so /usr/lib/
    739 ln -sf libEGL-${backend}.so /usr/lib/
    740 ln -sf libEGL-${backend}.so /usr/lib/
    741 ln -sf libGAL-${backend}.so /usr/lib/
    742 ln -sf libGLESv2-${backend}.so /usr/lib/
    743 ln -sf libGLESv2-${backend}.so /usr/lib/
    744 ln -sf libGLESv2-${backend}.so /usr/lib/
    745 ln -sf libVIVANTE-${backend}.so /usr/lib/
    746 ln -sf /usr/lib/
    747 for i in egl glesv1_cm glesv2 vg; do
    748 cp /usr/lib/pkgconfig/${i}_${backend}.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/${i}.pc
    749 done
    750 # remove the other backends we no longer need
    751 rm /usr/lib/* /usr/lib/* /usr/lib/*
    752 }}}
    754 3. make vivante kernel module (GPU kernel driver) load on boot:
    755 {{{
    756 #!bash
    757 echo vivante >> /etc/modules
    758 cat << EOT > /etc/udev/rules.d/10-imx.rules
    759 KERNEL=="galcore",  MODE="0660", GROUP="video"
    760 KERNEL=="mxc_asrc",  MODE="0666"
    761 EOT
    762 }}}
    764 4. create an xorg.conf configured for the Vivante fbdev driver:
    765 {{{
    766 #!bash
    767 cat << EOT > /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    768 Section "Device"
    769     Identifier  "i.MX Accelerated Framebuffer Device"
    770     Driver      "vivante"
    771     Option      "fbdev"     "/dev/fb0"
    772     Option      "vivante_fbdev" "/dev/fb0"
    773     Option      "HWcursor"  "false"
    774 EndSection
    776 Section "ServerFlags"
    777     Option "BlankTime"  "0"
    778     Option "StandbyTime"  "0"
    779     Option "SuspendTime"  "0"
    780     Option "OffTime"  "0"
    781 EndSection
    782 EOT
    783 }}}
    785 5. Optional: re-build gstreamer-imx ([#gstreamer-imx above]) if you wish to use gstreamer-imx IPU/VPU/GPU acceleration within an OpenGL window (egl)
    787 6. Sync filesystem and reboot
    790 Examples:
    791  * The {{{imxeglvivsink}}} allows hardware accelerated display to a window on the X11 host:
    792 {{{
    793 #!bash
    794 DISPLAY=:0.0 gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! imxeglvivsink
    795 }}}
    796   - See the [wiki:Yocto/gstreamer Gstreamer wiki page] for more details.
    797  * The {{{glxgears}}} application is a demo of OpenGL that often is used to benchmark rendering performance
    798 {{{
    799 #!bash
    800 DISPLAY=:0.0 glxgears -info # ~300fps on IMX6Q
    801 }}}