Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of OpenWrt/building

06/15/2020 05:10:36 PM (5 years ago)
Tim Harvey

added Gateworks OpenWrt 20.06 branch details


  • OpenWrt/building

    v25 v26  
    1818Our ​ repository branches currently include:
    19  * '''Gateworks 18.0x !OpenWrt Release'''
     19 * '''Gateworks 20.06 !OpenWrt Release'''
     20  - Is the latest OpenWrt software from Gateworks (**recommended**)
     21  - Latest build: ​
     22    * Please view the .manifest file per target to inspect installed packages + their respective versions
     23  - Based on OpenWrt fd0cc72d9 (2020-06-09)
     24    * Linux 5.4.45
     25    * Wireless drivers from linux backports-5.7-rc3-1
     26    * busybox-1.31.1
     27    * gcc-8.4.0
     28    * binutils-2.31.1
     29    * Package feeds pinned to 2020-06-15
     30  - General:
     31    * Added Gateworks System Controller drivers
     32    * dropped laguna support
     33    * dropped GW16083 support
     34  - Newport:
     35    * Bump to linux 5.4.45 Kernel from 4.14.13
     36    * squashfs+f2fs overload for sysupgrade/factory-reset support
     37  - Ventana:
     38    * Bump to linux 5.4.45 Kernel from 4.4.0
     39  - log: ​
     42 * Gateworks 18.0x !OpenWrt Release (for Newport)
     43   * Linux 4.14.13
     44   * busybox-1.27.2
     45   * Wireless drivers from linux backports-2017.11.01
     46   * gcc-5.5.0
     47   * binutils-2.28
     48   * Package feeds pinned to 2018-05-24
    2049  - Add Newport (octeontx) support
    21   - Currently missing GSC support
    22   - Currently missing accelerometer/IMU support
    23  * '''Gateworks 16.02 !OpenWrt Release'''
    24   - Is the latest OpenWrt software from Gateworks (**recommended**)
     50  - missing GSC support
     51  - missing accelerometer/IMU support
     55 * Gateworks 16.02 !OpenWrt Release
    2556  - Nightly: ​
    2657    * Please view the .manifest file per target to inspect installed packages + their respective versions
    5283    * Added GW2383 Support
    5384  - log: ​
    57  * 14.08
     88 * Gateworks 14.08 !OpenWrt Release
    5889  - Nightly: ​
    5990    * Please view the .manifest file per target to inspect installed packages + their respective versions
    81112== Revision Log ==
    82113You can see a revision history using the Github web interface:
     114 * [ 20.06]
    83115 * [ ​18.0x]
    84116 * [ ​16.02]
    96128These instructions require having a desktop or laptop computer with Ubuntu installed to compile Gateworks OpenWrt.
    98 Gateworks has tested with desktop systems with LTS Ubuntu Releases. The suggested Ubuntu releases are 14.04 or 16.04. At the time of this writing, Gateworks does not recommend using Ubuntu 16.10.
    100 On an Ubuntu (11.10, 14.04, 16.04) desktop development system for example the following should install all necessary pre-requisites:
     130Gateworks has tested with desktop systems with LTS Ubuntu Releases. The suggested Ubuntu releases are 16.04 or 18.04.
     132On an Ubuntu desktop development system for example the following should install all necessary pre-requisites:
    102134sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential  ;# std dev tools
    1381701. Getting Source Code:
    139171 * There are multiple code branches (see above for recommended branch per product), please checkout the one you prefer with the following commands:
     172  - Gateworks 20-06 branch
     174git clone gateworks-openwrt -b 20.06
     175cd gateworks-openwrt
    140177  - Gateworks 16-02 branch
    1972343. Artifacts
    198235 - The resulting kernel/rootfs files will be in the {{{bin/<target>}}} directory.
    199   - For Example, a Ventana flash image is located at: {{{bin/imx6/gateworks-imx6-ventana-squashfs-nand_normal.ubi}}}
     236  - For Example, a Ventana flash image is located at: {{{bin/targets/imx6/generic/gateworks-imx6-ventana-squashfs-nand.ubi}}}
    200237  - Which ubi size to use, normal or large, has to do with the flash geometry size (see [wiki:/linux/ubi/#flashgeometry here] to determine your flash geometry) 
    233270sudo mkfs.ext4 -q -F -O ^64bit -L rootfs $OUTFS
    234271sudo mount $OUTFS $MNT
    235 sudo tar -C $MNT -xf bin/imx6/gateworks-imx6-ventana-bootfs.tar.gz
    236 sudo tar -C $MNT -xf bin/imx6/gateworks-imx6-ventana-rootfs.tar.gz
     272sudo tar -C $MNT -xf bin/targets/imx6/generic/gateworks-imx6-ventana-squashfs-bootfs.tar.gz
     273sudo tar -C $MNT -xf bin/targets/imx6/generic/gateworks-imx6-rootfs.tar.gz
    237274sudo umount $MNT