Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of cc135x

08/08/2020 12:45:09 AM (4 years ago)
Cale Collins

added contiki-ng example


  • cc135x

    v14 v15  
    791791 * Ti Thingsquare []
     793== Contiki-ng
     795Contiki-NG is an open-source, cross-platform operating system for Next-Generation IoT devices. It focuses on dependable (secure and reliable) low-power communication and standard protocols, such as IPv6/6LoWPAN, 6TiSCH, RPL, and CoAP. Contiki-NG comes with extensive documentation, tutorials, a roadmap, release cycle, and well-defined development flow for smooth integration of community contributions.
     797=== Installing the Contiki-ng Docker image
     799Compiling Contiki-ng examples is made easy through use of their docker container, this saves manually configuring the build environment.  Even if you're unfamiliar with docker this procedure is quite simple.  
     801Official Contiki-ng wiki instructions:
     804* Installing Docker can be done using apt:{{{
     805sudo apt-get install docker-ce
     807Official instructions can be found here:
     809* Once Docker is installed add your user to the docker group:
     811sudo usermod -aG docker <your-user>     
     813After log out and log back in.  Missing this step will result in errors moving forward.  
     815* Download the Contiki-ng Docker image:
     817docker pull contiker/contiki-ng
     820=== Download and link the Contiki-ng source to the container
     822Clone the source code from the Contiki-ng github repository:
     824git clone
     825cd contiki-ng
     826git submodule update --init --recursive
     829Create an alias to start docker with required arguments and source code bound:  
     831export CNG_PATH=<absolute-path-to-your-contiki-ng>
     832alias contiker="docker run --privileged --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 --mount type=bind,source=$CNG_PATH,destination=/home/user/contiki-ng -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -ti contiker/contiki-ng"
     835=== Building the example:
     837Launch the container by typing the {{{contiker}}}, this will use the alias that was previously created.  You will be presented with a new shell, with the $PWD being "/home/user/contiki-ng".
     839Change directory to the example you would like to build, in this case "hello world":
     841cd examples/hello-world/
     844If you would like to see a list of Simplelink targets:
     846make TARGET=simplelink boards
     849To build for GW16122:
     851make TARGET=simplelink BOARD=launchpad/cc1352p-2
     854The build artifacts are located in this folder:
     859If you would like to copy them out of your running container start a different shell, "cd" to your destination directory and execute the following command:
     861docker cp <container $HOSTNAME>:/home/user/contiki-ng/examples/hello-world/build/simplelink/launchpad/cc1352p-2/<desired file> .
     863An easier way to gain access to the files is to type "exit" within the container, then navigate to the "contiki-ng/examples/hello-world/build/simplelink/launchpad/cc1352p-2/" directory on your host machine.  
     865Follow the instructions in the [wiki:/cc135x#Programming Programming] section to flash this firmware to your board.
     867==== Using the Hello World example.
     869Connect your programmed GW16122 to a Gateworks SBC. This will create a /dev/tty interface, in most cases /dev/ttyUSB0.
     871To view the output from the example:
     873stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
     874cat /dev/ttyUSB0 &
     876** Example of the expected output: **
     878INFO: Main      ] Starting Contiki-NG
     879[INFO: Main      ] - Routing: RPL Lite
     880[INFO: Main      ] - Net: sicslowpan
     881[INFO: Main      ] - MAC: CSMA
     882[INFO: Main      ] - 802.15.4 PANID: 0xabcd
     883[INFO: Main      ] - 802.15.4 Default channel: 26
     884[INFO: Main      ] Node ID: 1813
     885[INFO: Main      ] Link-layer address: 0012.4b00.1cc1.0715
     886[INFO: Main      ] Tentative link-local IPv6 address: fe80::212:4b00:1cc1:715
     887[INFO: CC13xx/CC26xx] Operating frequency on Sub-1 GHz
     888[INFO: CC13xx/CC26xx] RF: Channel 26
     889[INFO: CC13xx/CC26xx] Node ID: 1813
     890Hello, world
     891Hello, world
     892Hello, world
     893Hello, world
     894[INFO: Main      ] Starting Contiki-NG
     895[INFO: Main      ] - Routing: RPL Lite
     896[INFO: Main      ] - Net: sicslowpan
     897[INFO: Main      ] - MAC: CSMA
     898[INFO: Main      ] - 802.15.4 PANID: 0xabcd
     899[INFO: Main      ] - 802.15.4 Default channel: 26
     900[INFO: Main      ] Node ID: 1813
     901[INFO: Main      ] Link-layer address: 0012.4b00.1cc1.0715
     902[INFO: Main      ] Tentative link-local IPv6 address: fe80::212:4b00:1cc1:715
     903[INFO: CC13xx/CC26xx] Operating frequency on Sub-1 GHz
     904[INFO: CC13xx/CC26xx] RF: Channel 26
     905[INFO: CC13xx/CC26xx] Node ID: 1813
     906Hello, world
     907Hello, world
     908Hello, world
     909Hello, world