Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of cc135x

11/28/2019 12:04:49 AM (5 years ago)
Ryan Erbstoesser

add in information from the 16122 wiki page.


  • cc135x

    v2 v3  
    55This page describes the family of Texas Instruments CC135x  Sub-1GHz radio modules that are used on several Gateworks products, including the GW16122/GW5910.
     7The CC135x enables [ Gateworks SBCs] to act as a collector or gateway to other IoT sensors over the Sub-1GHz Radio band. This band allows for long range and low power communication without any carrier subscription required. No consortium or software subscriptions are required. TI has made all software open source and available.
     9Advantages of Gateworks IoT solution over !SigFox, !LoRa, Zigbee, etc:
     10* Long Range
     11* Create your own network
     12* Do not rely on coverage of pre-existing networks (Verizon, AT&T, etc)
     13* Open Source provided software by TI
     14* No extra fees, subscription, etc
     15* No joining of alliances/consortiums/etc
     16* Works in remote areas where no coverage from other networks/carriers exist
    2637 -
     41== RF Network / Infrastructure ==
     43The CC135x operates on its own network. It does not rely on towers/networks installed by 3rd party companies (!LoRa, Sigfox, Verizon, AT&T, etc). The entire network infrastructure is under control by the user. This includes sensors/nodes, collector(s), antennas and more.
     45== Network Architecture ==
     47The default is a star-based topology system where there is one central collector (The CC135x on a Gateworks SBC) that listens to all the sensors / nodes that are around it.
     50== Range Testing ==
     52*** Note below testing done with GW16122 rev A with CC1350. CC1352P has a 20dBm power amplifier which will increase the range ***
     54Gateworks did basic range testing with the GW16122 using a 2dBi Omni Antenna on the 915Mhz band. A successful link was acquired at 4500ft/1.4km over water. Note both the transmitter and receiver were only 1m off the ground so much better performance would be expected if the antennas were mounted higher to clear the Fresnel zones. Using a directional antennas, range can be increased further with links easily greater then >10Km. Additionally, there is different modes and tuning that can be done in software to increase the range, such as LRM (long range mode).
     56More range information may be found on the [ TI E2E Forums] and on the TI documentation listed in the references on this page.
     58Gateworks Range testing map:
     62== Glossary ==
     64* BLE - Bluetooth Low Engery
     65* BLE-ADV - Bluetooth Low Energy Advertising
     66* OAD - Over the Air Download
     67* 802.15.4 - IEEE standard defining the operation of low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs). Definition includes the physical layer and media access control. Can be used with 6LoWPAN. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard is used as a data-link layer of many popular networking standards deployed in the market (6LoWPAN, Wi-SUN, !ZigBee®, Thread and WHART). It guarantees a solid wireless foundation thanks to features like air arbitration (through CSMA-CA), acknowledgments and retransmissions and built-in AES security. 802.15.4 can operate on the following frequencies: 868/915/2450 MHz
     68 * Frequency: North America: 902–928 MHz, up to 30 channels
     69* RTOS - Real Time Operating System
     70* LoWPAN -  Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network
     71* 6LoWPAN - Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network, allowing for IPv6 packets. Read more [ here].
     72* LRM - Long Range Mode
     73* LP - Likely LaunchPad, referring to the CC1350 'Dev Kit' from Ti. Could also mean 'LowPower'
     74* PA/LNA - Power amplifier (PA) for increased output power, and a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with low noise figure for improved receiver sensitivity. This can be used with the [ ​Ti CC1190 RF Booster / Front End]
     75* BLE Modes - advertising, scanning, master, slave. Read more [ ​here]
     76* TI-RTOS - TI-RTOS kernel is a tailored version of the legacy SYS/BIOS kernel and operates as a real-time, preemptive, multi-threaded operating system with drivers, tools for synchronization and scheduling.
     77* TI-15.4 Stack - The TI 15.4-Stack is a software development kit (SDK) running on the !SimpleLink™ Sub-1 GHz CC1310 wireless microcontroller (MCU). Based on the proven IEEE 802.15.4 standard, it implements the 'g' amendment of the specification for operations in North America and Europe in the Sub-1 GHz band (regulated respectively by FCC and ETSI).
     78* LPWAN - Low‑Power Wide‑Area
     79* NB-IoT - Narrow band Internet of Things
     80* Contiki - read more [#ThirdPartySoftware Third Party Software]
     81* rfWsnDmNodeOad_US_CC1350STK_TI_CC1350F128-v1_06.hex
     82 * rf = Radio Frequency
     83 * Wsn = Wireless Sensor Network
     84 * Dm = Dual Mode, Bluetooth and Sub 1Ghz
     85 * Node = A node is an edge device that is a sensor and sends data back to a central coordinator or collector
     86 * Oad = Over the air download
     87 * STK = Sensor Tag Kit
     88* Coord Addr - Coordinator Address - This is the address on the network for the coordinator/collector. Example: 0xAABB
     89* PanID - Personal Area Network ID, example 0xACDC
     90* FAN - Field Area Network
     91* FH - Frequency hopping. Not used in default examples.
     92* EasyLink - an API, a simple abstraction layer on top of the RF Driver and is intended as a starting point for customers creating a proprietary Sub1-GHz protocol or application.
     93 * Alternatives:
     94  *  TI-RTOS RF driver (of what EasyLink is a abstraction of)
     95  *  TI-15.4 Stack, Full stack-based network solution,  available as part of the CC13x0 SDK
     96* Thread - read more [#ThirdPartySoftware Third Party Software]
     97* Dash7 - DASH7 Alliance Protocol (D7A) is an open source Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network protocol, which operates in the 433 MHz, 868 MHz and 915 MHz unlicensed ISM band/SRD band. Dash7 has not been tested on the GW16122.
    507579  - make sure you point to the correct /dev/ttyUSB* device managed by the ftdi_sio driver
     583== Third Party Software ==
     584 * Contiki - Open Source OS for IoT, utilizing 6LoWPAN, can run on Sub-1GHz
     585 * Thingsquare - Based on Contiki, exposes through REST API [#Thingsquare Click here ]
     586 * !WiSun [#Wi-Sun Click Here]
     587 * Thread - Thread is an IPv6-based, low-power mesh networking technology for IoT products, intended to be secure and future-proof. Thread will not work on the Gateworks GW16122 because it is not designed for Sub-1Ghz. Based on 6LowPan. Based on 802.15.4 2.4GHz.
     588 * KNX - Open protocol Aimed at building automation. Operates on many physical layers.
     589 * Ti Simple 6LoWPAN Mesh End-Node Improves Network Performance Reference Design []
     590 * Wirepas: Fairly close to WiSun []
     592=== Wi-Sun ===
     594The TI 15.4 stack leverages WiSun-based frequency hopping and can be used on CC1350 and CC1352.
     596Some 3rd parties capable of implementing a Wi-SUN stack are Adsol-Nissin and Procubed.
     598Please use the E2E Ti Forums for more information [ TI E2E Forums]
     601=== Thingsquare ===
     604*** Note below testing done with rev A with CC1350. GW16122-B uses a CC1352P which has not been tested with Thingsquare but should operate the same ***
     606[ Thingsquare] is a software company that offers customized software for the chip on the GW16122, the Ti CC135x. This software allows for the use of a smartphone app to monitor and control sensors through the Thingsquare cloud/backend. A [ REST API] is available as well.
     608A brief description of what is happening in the demo below:
     609 * A Gateworks GW16122 is acting as the Thingsquare IoT gateway on the Gateworks SBC
     610  * The GW16122 exposes a few serial interfaces (/dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyACM1) which are then used for the SLIP interface
     611  * dnsmasq acts as a DNS server for the slip interface
     612  * The sl0 uses PTP for the DNS
     613  * The SLIP requires some routing and forwarding between interface sl0 and eth0
     614  * The firmware on the GW16122 pushes data up to the Thingsquare cloud
     615 * The CC1350 Sensor tag is reporting back to the Gateway and pushing it's information up to the cloud
     619'''Hardware required:'''
     620All items purchased seperately
     622 * Gateworks [ Ventana or Newport] Single Board Computer
     623 * Gateworks [ GW16122 IoT Card]
     624 * Gateworks GW10124 900Mhz Antenna
     625 * Gateworks [ GW10074] MMCX to SMA Female Adapter Cable
     626 * [ Ti CC1350 Sensor Tag]
     627  * Gateworks SBC and GW16122 are the 'collector' in the system. This CC1350 !Sensor !Tag becomes the 'sensor' for development.
     628 *  USB to Mini-PCIe Adapter
     629  * This allows the Gateworks GW16122 to be connected to a Laptop / PC for programming purposes.
     630  * [ Option #1 - Amazon] - Requires rubberband to hold GW16122 in
     632''' The following instructions assume the developer is familiar with using the Gateworks SBC & GW16122 and programming it using the instructions given elsewhere on this wiki'''
     634'''Setup Instructions'''
     635 1. [ Flash] the GW16122 and sensor nodes with Thingsquare Firmware located [ here]
     636  a. GW16122 Firmnware is labeled as ''CC1350 Launchpad Serial USB Access Point (US / 915 MHz)''
     637  a. Sensor Firmnware is labeled as ''CC1350 Sensortag''
     638 1. Insert a programmed GW16122 into a Gateworks SBC Mini-PCIe slot that has USB support
     639 1. Load Gateworks SBC Ubuntu 16.04 Software
     640  a. Install Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 with the instructions [wiki:ventana/ubuntu#Ubuntu16.04LTSXenialXerusconsoleimage Ventana 16.04]
     641  a. Confirm /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyACM1 exist on the Gateworks SBC in software
     642  a. Confirm an ethernet cable is connected to the Gateworks SBC connected to a LAN that has internet access via a WAN
     643  a. Install dnsmasq{{{apt-get install dnsmasq}}}
     644  a. Add the following lines to the end of the /etc/dnsmasq.conf file:
     650  a. Create a script or add to /etc/rc.local to be ran after the board boots each time:
     652modprobe slip
     653stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 115200
     654sleep 3
     655slattach -L -s 115200 -p slip /dev/ttyACM0 &
     657sleep 10
     658ifconfig sl0 dstaddr
     659ifconfig sl0 mtu 600
     661echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
     663iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
     664iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o sl0 -j ACCEPT
     665iptables -A FORWARD -i sl0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
     666systemctl start dnsmasq.service
     668  a. After script is installed, either run the script or reboot the board if the script will run automatically
     669 1. Connect the Gateway / Sensor either using a mobile phone or network browser, explained below:
     670  1. Utilize the Thingsquare website to connect both sensor and Gateway to cloud with the following instructions using a mobile phone: []
     671   a. Important Note: Checking the box 'Remote Access' is important to connect the device to the Thingsquare backend and available when logging into the app/browser with user account
     672  1. You can use the website [] to access the devices from a PC browser on the same LAN. Create a Thingsquare account.
     673   a. Use the bottom menu icon, 'Nearby' to be sure you can discover the device on the LAN
     674   a. Important Note: Checking the box 'Remote Access' is important to connect the device to the Thingsquare backend and available when logging into the app/browser with user account
     677 * [[Image(thingsquare1.png,400px)]]
     678 * [[Image(thingsquare2.png,400px)]]
     681 1. Verify traffic on sl0 interface with tcpdump, example below:
     683root@xenial-ventana:~# tcpdump -i sl0
     684tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
     685listening on sl0, link-type RAW (Raw IP), capture size 262144 bytes
     68617:04:02.516758 IP > Flags [P.], seq 12805:13034, ack 371767140, win 500, length 229
     68717:04:02.682914 IP > Flags [.], ack 229, win 54500, length 0
     68817:04:02.685640 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1:102, ack 229, win 54500, length 101
     68917:04:02.941381 IP > Flags [P.], seq 229:330, ack 102, win 500, length 101
     69017:04:03.148806 IP > Flags [.], ack 330, win 54500, length 0
     69117:04:12.109625 IP > Flags [P.], seq 330:479, ack 102, win 500, length 149
     69217:04:12.276629 IP > Flags [.], ack 479, win 55500, length 0
     69317:04:18.591617 IP > Flags [P.], seq 479:580, ack 102, win 500, length 101
     69417:04:18.756148 IP > Flags [.], ack 580, win 55500, length 0
     69517:04:18.772626 IP > Flags [P.], seq 580:649, ack 102, win 500, length 69
     69617:04:18.941914 IP > Flags [.], ack 649, win 55500, length 0
     69811 packets captured
     69911 packets received by filter
     7000 packets dropped by kernel
     704 1. Verify dnsmasq is running:
     706systemctl status dnsmasq.service
     708 1. Verify dnsmasq is listening on the right address
     710root@xenial-ventana:~# netstat -tulpn
     711Active Internet connections (only servers)
     712Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
     713tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      824/dnsmasq     
     714tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      824/dnsmasq     
     715tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      645/sshd       
     716tcp6       0      0 ::1:53                  :::*                    LISTEN      824/dnsmasq     
     717tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      645/sshd       
     718udp        0      0  *                           824/dnsmasq     
     719udp        0      0 *                           824/dnsmasq     
     720udp        0      0    *                           584/dhclient   
     721udp6       0      0 ::1:53                  :::*                                824/dnsmasq     
     725 1. Verify sl0 interface exists and is up:
     727root@xenial-ventana:~# ifconfig
     728eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:d0:12:9b:f2:af 
     729          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
     730          inet6 addr: fe80::2d0:12ff:fe9b:f2af/64 Scope:Link
     731          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
     732          RX packets:8962 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
     733          TX packets:483 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
     734          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
     735          RX bytes:665276 (665.2 KB)  TX bytes:58003 (58.0 KB)
     737lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
     738          inet addr:  Mask:
     739          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
     740          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
     741          RX packets:172 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
     742          TX packets:172 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
     743          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
     744          RX bytes:13066 (13.0 KB)  TX bytes:13066 (13.0 KB)
     746sl0       Link encap:Serial Line IP 
     747          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
     749          RX packets:307 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
     750          TX packets:345 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
     751          collisions:0 txqueuelen:10
     752          RX bytes:42795 (42.7 KB)  TX bytes:24061 (24.0 KB)
     756 1. Verify you can ping from the Gateworks SBC command line
     760 * Ti Thingsquare []