Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of expansion/gw16143

08/28/2024 11:53:38 PM (7 months ago)
Blake Stewart

replaced the id for the 16132


  • expansion/gw16143

    v25 v26  
    120120Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol, or [ NTRIP], is the protocol that allows us to transmit RTK data between the differential gps basestation which has a fixed known position to any number of GPS clients that can use the RTK correction data. The NTRIP standard is designed and published by [ RTCM]. You can read more about the NTRIP protocol [ here].
    122 Acquiring RTK correction data for high precision GPS with the GW16143 can be done either by pointing to a preexisting source such as u-blox PointPerfect, the ones posted to [ rtk2go], or setting up a source, server, and caster yourself. Keep in mind that RTK correction data effectiveness is diminished over larger distances. For more specifics, see this great [ publication] of RTK experimental findings by Yanming Feng and Jinling Wang.
     122Acquiring RTK correction data for high precision GPS with the GW16143 can be done either by pointing to a preexisting source such as u-blox !PointPerfect, the ones posted to [ rtk2go], or setting up a source, server, and caster yourself. Keep in mind that RTK correction data effectiveness is diminished over larger distances. For more specifics, see this great [ publication] of RTK experimental findings by Yanming Feng and Jinling Wang.
    124124There are a number of open source NTRIP utilities to use for setting up a differential GPS system. Some options and the required configuration steps of the GW16143 are described in the following sections.
    244244> Contact Gateworks Sales Department {{{}}} to get a free 1-month access code!
    246 !PointPerfect can get extremely accurate positioning data extremely quickly with relatively low bandwidth (kilobytes / minute). Combined with the [ GW16126] for LTE/Bluetooth, differential fixes can be easily received in hard-to-reach locations.
    248 The easiest way to use !PointPerfect with the ZED-F9P is through [ pygnssutils]. Our examples also leverage the GW16126 for cellular connectivity and were able to get very precise data in a moving vehicle, even with relatively low reception, though !PointPerfect has various delivery methods (NTRIP, MQTT, L-Band). For this example, the script works without too much configuration since Linux configures cellular modems to make connections work seamlessly.
     246!PointPerfect can get extremely accurate positioning data extremely quickly with relatively low bandwidth (kilobytes / minute). Combined with the [ GW16132] for LTE/Bluetooth, differential fixes can be easily received in hard-to-reach locations.
     248The easiest way to use !PointPerfect with the ZED-F9P is through [ pygnssutils]. Our examples also leverage the GW16132 for cellular connectivity and were able to get very precise data in a moving vehicle, even with relatively low reception, though !PointPerfect has various delivery methods (NTRIP, MQTT, L-Band). For this example, the script works without too much configuration since Linux configures cellular modems to make connections work seamlessly.
    250250The bare-minimum python program for a NTRIP client with pygnssutils can be found on their [ git repo]. The data collected was output to a file containing location data over time, and then converted to KML format to be imported into Google Earth.