Version 6 (modified by 5 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
GW1614x Mini-PCIe to M.2 Adapter
These adapters convert a Mini-PCIe slot on the Gateworks SBC to a M.2 B-Key slot for a M.2 Cellular Modem with Dual SIM slots. The adapter also provides SIM support for slots without a SIM.
This wiki page describes the technical usage details of the adapter. For pictures, datasheets and ordering, please view the GW16140/GW16141 Product Page on the main Gateworks Website.
It is important to compare the M.2 Pinout of the modem to the M.2 pinout of the GW1614x. to verify no pin conflicts.
There are 2 derivations of the GW1614x shown below.
M.2 Card Size Support
Supports M.2 / NGFF Sizes
- 2242 (22mm wide by 42mm long)
- 3042 (30mm wide by 42mm long)
- 1630 (Special Order)
- 2230 (Special Order)
- 3030 (Special Order)
- Over 42mm long Coming in Future
GW16140 - USB 2.0
- Supported on all Ventana family
- USB 2.0 slots on Newport SBCs
- GW6200 - J8
- GW6300 - J9 & J10
- GW6400 - J9 & J10 & J11
- M.2 B-Key
- USB 2.0
- Pin 7 USB+
- Pin 9 USB-
- Power and Ground - Various M.2 Pins per M.2 B-Key Spec
- W_Disable Pin 8
- SIM 1 - Pin 30,32,34,36
- SIM 2 - Pin 42,44,46,48
GW16141 - USB 3.0
This is a USB 3.0 B-Key version. USB 3.0 is only supported by certain slots on Newport SBCs, USB 3.0 is not supported on Ventana. For Ventana boards always use GW16140.
- M.2 B-Key
- Do not use on Ventana family
- USB 3.0 slots on Newport SBCs - Note the USB 3.0 signals overlap with the PCIe signals so some boards have a mux to allow the slot to be configured for either PCIe signaling or USB 3.0 signaling. See link here for controlling the mux using HWCONFIG.
- GW6100 - J6 (PCIe/USB 3.0 mux)
- GW6200 - J6 (PCIe/USB 3.0 mux)
- GW6300 - J11 (PCIe/USB 3.0 mux)
- GW6400 - J12 (no mux - only supports USB 3.0)
- USB 3.0
- Pin 29 USB3 RX-
- Pin 31 USB3 RX+
- Pin 35 USB3 TX-
- Pin 37 USB3 TX+
- Power and Ground - Various M.2 Pins per M.2 B-Key Spec
- W_Disable Pin 8
- SIM 1 - Pin 30,32,34,36
- SIM 2 - Pin 42,44,46,48
Please email Gateworks support for any further questions