Changes between Version 66 and Version 67 of gsc

01/05/2021 04:24:24 PM (4 years ago)
Bobby Jones

replace collapsible as wiki attachment. Collapsible seemed to break certain trac functionality.


  • gsc

    v66 v67  
    217217|| 0-7 || GSC_PAGE_NUMBER || Page address offset when direct reading the GSC flash ||
    219 This API which is implemented over I2C on address {{{0x5f}}} allows a user to do direct memory reads over the entirety of the accessible memory range ({{{0x0000-0xFFFF}}}). It is used by constructing a 16 bit address with the top byte (a.k.a. page) being set by writing to an undocumented register at address {{{0x20}}} offset {{{0x1f}}}. The bottom byte is then added on via standard I2C protocol. Memory writes are not supported with this API. In order to simplify the usage of this API, a bash script was created that will be posted on the wiki and/or given to FAE's to distribute as they see fit. The name of the script is {{{}}} and the contents are included below.
    221  [[CollapsibleStart(GSC Direct Memory Read Script)]]
    222 {{{#!bash
    223 #!/bin/bash
    225 [ "$#" -ne 2 ] && {
    226         echo "This script acts as a wrapper around I2C commands in order to do direct memory reads of the GSC."
    227         echo "It will output the i2c response in an i2cdump type format."
    228         echo
    229         echo "Usage: $0 <offset> <length>"
    230         echo
    231         echo "Example usage to read all 2000(0x7d0) peripheral register values:"
    232         echo "  $0 0x100 0x7d0"
    233         exit 1
    234 }
    236 # Store inputs
    237 BUS=0
    238 ADDR=0x5e
    239 OFFSET=$1
    240 LENGTH=$2
    242 # Misc variables
    243 COUNT=0
    244 PAGE=0
    245 PRINTVAL=0x0000
    246 REMAINDER=0
    247 HIGH=
    248 RETURN=
    250 # Calculate initial page number based on passed in offset
    251 PAGE=$((OFFSET / 0x100))
    252 OFFSET=$((OFFSET % 0x100))
    254 echo "      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f     0123456789abcdef"
    255 while [[ $COUNT -ne $LENGTH ]]; do
    256         # Set the page number accordingly
    257         i2cset -f -y 0 0x20 0x16 $PAGE
    259         # Do either a full i2cdump or specify a range if bytes aren't a 0x100 aligned block
    260         if [[ $(($LENGTH - $COUNT)) -lt 0x100 || $OFFSET -ne 0 ]]; then
    261                 HIGH=$(($LENGTH - $COUNT - 1 + $OFFSET))
    262                 # Record remainder for i2c 0x100 upper range limit
    263                 if [[ $HIGH -gt 0x100 ]]; then
    264                         REMAINDER=$(($HIGH + 1 - 0x100))
    265                 else
    266                         REMAINDER=0
    267                 fi
    269                 RETURN=$(i2cdump -f -y -r ${OFFSET}-$(($HIGH - $REMAINDER)) 0 $ADDR b | grep ':')
    270                 COUNT=$(($HIGH - $REMAINDER - $OFFSET + 1 + $COUNT))
    271                 OFFSET=0
    272         else
    273                 RETURN=$(i2cdump -f -y 0 $ADDR b | grep ':')
    274                 COUNT=$(($COUNT + 0x100))
    275         fi
    277         if [[ "$RETURN" ]]; then # Only print reads
    278                 # Format output to be continuous and account for page increase
    279                 echo "$RETURN" | while read x; do
    280                         printf "%04x" "$((0x$(echo $x | cut -d':' -f1) + $((PAGE * 0x100))))"
    281                         echo ":${x##*:}"
    282                 done
    283         fi
    285         # Increase the page count
    286         ((++PAGE))
    287 done
    288 }}}
    289 [[CollapsibleEnd]]
     219This API which is implemented over I2C on address {{{0x5f}}} allows a user to do direct memory reads over the entirety of the accessible memory range ({{{0x0000-0xFFFF}}}). It is used by constructing a 16 bit address with the top byte (a.k.a. page) being set by writing to an undocumented register at address {{{0x20}}} offset {{{0x1f}}}. The bottom byte is then added on via standard I2C protocol. Memory writes are not supported with this API. In order to simplify the usage of this feature, a bash script was created and can be found as an attachment to this wiki page [].