
Newport Digital IO

The intent of this page is to provide information about Newport single board computers off-board digital IO signals.

DIO Mapping

Newport baseboards provide 4 digital IO signals to an off-board connector. The CN81XX has a single GPIO blocks having 48 GPIO's. Note that only 32 of these are accessible on the CN80XX used on Newport boards. Each GPIO controller gets mapped to a range of Linux gpio's by the Linux kernel. Note that this mapping is not guaranteed to stay the same across kernel versions - you can look at the debugfs /sys/kernel/debug/gpio file to see where the GPIO controllers are mapped.

The various Newport product hardware manuals contain a table of what pins on the Digital IO connector routes to what CN80XX GPIO. For convenience this information is also provided in the table below.

Note that all four DIO signals contain an internal weak pulldown approximately 50kohm. See Operating manual "Specifications", "Electrical" section for information on DIO max and min driving strength. PWM is not supported by the CN80XX SOC.

Newport GPIO Mapping:

Board DIO1 Connector2 CN80XX GPIO3 Linux sysfsgpio 4 Termination5 Notes6
GW640x DIO0 J15.1 GPIO_24 gpio-488 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW640x-C+
DIO1 J15.2 GPIO_25 gpio-489 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW640x-C+
DIO2 J15.3 GPIO_26 gpio-490 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW640x-C+
DIO3 J15.4 GPIO_27 gpio-491 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW640x-C+
build option exists to route to a 0-5V ADC to GSC A13
GND J15.5 - -
VDD_3P3 J4.1 - - 1.0Amax
VDD_5P0 J3.1 - - 1.0Amax
GW630x DIO0 J13.1 GPIO_24 gpio-488 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW630x-E+
DIO1 J13.2 GPIO_25 gpio-489 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW630x-E+
DIO2 J13.3 GPIO_26 gpio-490 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW630x-E+
DIO3 J13.4 GPIO_27 gpio-491 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW630x-E+
build option exists to route to a 0-5V ADC to GSC A13
GND J13.5 - -
VDD_3P3 J7.1 - - 1.0Amax
VDD_5P0 J6.1 - - 1.0Amax
GW620x DIO0 J10.1 GPIO_24 gpio-488 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW620x-B+
DIO1 J10.2 GPIO_25 gpio-489 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW620x-B+
DIO2 J10.3 GPIO_26 gpio-490 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW620x-B+
build option exists to route to a 0-5V ADC GSC A13
DIO3 J10.4 GPIO_27 gpio-491 RC/TVS termination
4.75k pull-up on GW620x-B+
build option exists to route to GSC User PB or Tamper
GND J10.5 - -
VDD_3P3 J10.6 - - - 1.0Amax; build option exists to route to VDD_5P0
VDD_5P0 J12.1 - - - 1.0Amax; shared with FAN
GW610x DIO0 J10.19 GPIO_24 gpio-488 R termination
DIO1 J10.20 GPIO_25 gpio-489 R termination
DIO2 J10.17 GPIO_26 gpio-490 R termination
DIO3 J10.18 GPIO_27 gpio-491 R termination
GND J10.2/4/6 - -
VDD_3P3 J10.1/3 - - 1.0A max
VDD_5P0 J10.5 - - 1.0A max
  1. This is the signal name from the ​Newport hardware manuals
  2. This is the connector pinout
  3. This is the GPIO as seen by the CN80XX
  4. This is the gpio mapped in linux accessible via the sysfsgpio interface at /sys/class/gpio. Note that you will have to manually export these (see gpio)
  5. Electrical termination includes an internal ~50kohm weak pull-down as well as the following if specified:
    • RC consists of a 330ohm series current limit resistor and a 390pF cap to GND
    • R consists of a 330ohm series current limit resistor
    • TVS consists of a 5V-3.5PF IEC6100042 Transient Voltage Suppression diode
  6. Build options if specified requires a Gateworks Special - contacts sales@… for details

Software GPIO Configuration

Each CN80XX GPIO can be pin-muxed to a variety of functions internal to the SoC including software controlled GPIO function (default), clock outputs, PTP (packet timestamp) outputs, UART TX/RX/DTR/RTS, SATA activity LED, additional SPI chip selects. For more detail on this, consult the Cavium Board Diagnostics Kit source code and/or the Cavium CN80XX Hardware Manual (obtained from Cavium under NDA).

Please visit this link to find out more information about using GPIO's in Linux

Configuring GPIO Hardware

The CN80XX GPIO signals do not have the ability to configure their drive strength or other I/O characteristics.

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on 12/07/2021 04:25:55 PM
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