Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of venice/firmware

05/17/2024 04:52:20 PM (4 months ago)
Ryan Erbstoesser

update dev links from http to https


  • venice/firmware

    v18 v19  
    1818= Pre-Built Images
    20 Various Pre-built images can be found on including:
     20Various Pre-built Venice images can be found on including:
    2121 * '''Compressed Disk Images''': (*.img.gz files) OS Images (everything but boot firmware)
    2222  - [ ubuntu-venice.img.gz] - Gateworks Ubuntu based OS details are available [wiki:venice/ubuntu here]
    23   - [ openwrt-venice.img.gz] - Gateworks OpenWrt OS details are available [wiki:OpenWrt here]
     23  - [ openwrt-venice.img.gz] - Gateworks OpenWrt OS details are available [wiki:OpenWrt here]
    2424  * '''[#disk-images Install compressed disk images via U-Boot or Linux using instructions here]'''
    2525 * '''Gateworks System Controller Firmware''': (board specific gsc*.txt files)
    26   - [ gsc_7000.txt] - for boards with a GW700x IMX8MM SOM module
    27   - [ gsc_7020.txt] - for boards with a GW702x IMX8MP SOM module
    28   - [ gsc_7400.txt] - for GW74xx IMX8MP boards
     26  - [ gsc_7000.txt] - for boards with a GW700x IMX8MM SOM module
     27  - [ gsc_7020.txt] - for boards with a GW702x IMX8MP SOM module
     28  - [ gsc_7400.txt] - for GW74xx IMX8MP boards
    2929  * '''[wiki:gsc#firmware Install GSC firmware via JTAG or Linux via instructions here]'''
    3030 * '''Boot Firmware''': (SOC specific) Everything up to the OS (SPL, ATF, U-Boot, U-Boot env)
    3131  - For updating via U-Boot or Linux or booting via SDP (does not contain U-Boot env)
    32    * [ venice-imx8mm-flash.bin] - for IMX8MM SOC
    33    * [ venice-imx8mp-flash.bin] - for IMX8MP SOC
     32   * [ venice-imx8mm-flash.bin] - for IMX8MM SOC
     33   * [ venice-imx8mp-flash.bin] - for IMX8MP SOC
    3434   - '''[#boot-firmware For updating via U-Boot or Linux see here]'''
    3535   - '''[wiki:venice/SDP For booting over USB via the SDP protocol (helpful during bootloader development or customization) see here]'''
    3636  - For updating via JTAG:
    37    * [ firmware-venice-imx8mm.bin] - for IMX8MM SOC
    38    * [ firmware-venice-imx8mp.bin] - for IMX8MP SOC
     37   * [ firmware-venice-imx8mm.bin] - for IMX8MM SOC
     38   * [ firmware-venice-imx8mp.bin] - for IMX8MP SOC
    3939   - '''[wiki:jtag_instructions for details For JTAG programming instructions see here]'''
    4040 * '''Venice Kernel Tarball''' useful for installing on top of root filesystem manually
    41   * [ linux-venice.tar.xz] - Compressed TAR archive of pre-built Linux kernel
     41  * [ linux-venice.tar.xz] - Compressed TAR archive of pre-built Linux kernel
    4343Gateworks System Controller files are 'board specific' meaning the file used depends on the baseboard or SOM model. Boot firmware images are 'SOC specific' meaning there is a specific one to match the SOC on your board - IMX8M Mini (imx8mm) vs IMX8M Nano (imx8mn) vs IMX8M Plus (imx8mp). Compressed Disk Images are written to the eMMC user partition which contains a disk partition table and the various OS partitions (assuming the boot firmware is booting from emmc boot0 or boot1 hardware partition).
    6666 * Only flash files intended for JTAG using the JTAG programmer and jtag_usbv4
    6767 * Linux software is supported for programming Venice (jtag_usbv4 required). Windows is not supported. (Serial console through Windows does work).
    68  * JTAG Programming of eMMC is supported by [ jtag_usbv4] - see [wiki:jtag_instructions here]. Due to this being a slow process for large eMMC devices it is recommended to program boot firmware via JTAG if you brick your board and use the bootloader to install firmware when possible for speed (see [#serial-ethernet] below).
    69  * JTAG Programming of the GSC firmware is supported by [ jtag_usbv4]
     68 * JTAG Programming of eMMC is supported by [ jtag_usbv4] - see [wiki:jtag_instructions here]. Due to this being a slow process for large eMMC devices it is recommended to program boot firmware via JTAG if you brick your board and use the bootloader to install firmware when possible for speed (see [#serial-ethernet] below).
     69 * JTAG Programming of the GSC firmware is supported by [ jtag_usbv4]
    7171=== Updating GSC Firmware via JTAG
    72 To update the GSC firmware via JTAG download the {{{jtag_usbv4}}} application on a Linux x86 host from [ here] and execute as follows:
     72To update the GSC firmware via JTAG download the {{{jtag_usbv4}}} application on a Linux x86 host from [ here] and execute as follows:
    7474./jtag_usbv4 -m gsc_7000.txt
    8888 * You must use firmware appropriate for the SoC on your board:
    89   - GW730x-0x/GW720x-0x/GW710x-0x with an IMX8MM: [ firmware-venice-imx8mm.bin]
    90   - GW740x with an IMX8MP: [ firmware-venice-imx8mm.bin]
     89  - GW730x-0x/GW720x-0x/GW710x-0x with an IMX8MM: [ firmware-venice-imx8mm.bin]
     90  - GW740x with an IMX8MP: [ firmware-venice-imx8mm.bin]
    142142# fetch your file
    143143cd /tmp
    144 wget
    145145# uncompress and write to the emmc device
    146146zcat ubuntu-venice.img.gz | dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M
    157157The latest pre-built Bootloader images for Venice are available for download here:
    158 []
    160160'''It is important to use the correct file compatible with the SOC on your board''':