Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of venice/secure_boot

06/24/2023 12:49:11 AM (20 months ago)
Tim Harvey

added instructions for optee (moved from wiki/venice/tee


  • venice/secure_boot

    v9 v10  
    1010See also:
    11  -
     11 -
    1212 -
    1313 - NXP AN4581 - i.MX Secure Boot on HABv4 Supported Devices
    185185 -
     187== Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
     188The Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a set of specifications published by the [ GlobalPlatform association]. The purpose of the TEE is to provide a safe environment within the application processor for developing and executing secure applications. We call an application processor a system running a Rich OS like Android or Linux. A Rich environment represents a huge amount of code. It is open to third-party applications and it is an open ecosystem: it makes a Rich OS hard to audit. It is prone to bugs/vulnerability, which may compromise the security and integrity of the entire system. The TEE offers another level of protection against attacks from the rich OS. The TEE is only open to trusted partners, which makes it easier to audit. It executes only trusted and authorized software. All sensitive data are protected from the rest of the application processor and from the outside world.
     190Many modern devices make use of a Trusted Execution Environment, including smartphones, set-top-boxes, game consoles and Smart TVs. Some example use cases of a TEE:
     191- biometric authentication (ie facial, fingerprint, voice recognition) code and sensitive data
     192- e-commerce digital wallet code and sensitive data
     193- DRM credentials
     196=== Open Portable Trusted Execution Environment (OP-TEE)
     197OP-TEE (Open Portable Trusted Execution Environment) is an open-source TEE designed as a companion to a non-secure Linux kernel running on ARM Cortex-A cores using ARM's !TrustZone technology.
     199The TEE relies on the Arm !TrustZone technology. The !TrustZone is a system-on-chip security feature available on most Arm Cortex A/M processors. It provides a strict hardware isolation between the secure world (TEE) and the normal world (REE). This technology allows each physical processor core to provide two virtual cores: one for the normal world and one for the secure world.
     201OP-TEE is an open source stack of the Trusted Execution Environment which includes:
     202* OP-TEE OS: Trusted side of the TEE
     203* OP-TEE Client: Normal world client side of the TEE
     204* OP-TEE Test (or xtest): OP-TEE Test Suite
     206The OP-TEE project is developed and maintained by Linaro under BSD 2-Clause. The source code is available at https:// This stack supports Arm-v7 and Arm-v8 architectures.
     208The TEE exposes its features through a tandem operation between a Client Application and a Trusted Application. The client application runs in the Rich OS and always initiates the communication with the Trusted Application that runs in the Trusted OS. The Client application interacts with the TEE through the TEE client API interface. The Secure Application interacts with the TEE Core through the TEE Internal API.
     210OP-TEE is a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) designed as a companion to a non-secure Linux kernel running on Arm cores using the TrustZone technology. OP-TEE implements [ TEE Internal Core API v1.1.x] which is the API exposed to Trusted Applications and the [ TEE Client API v1.0], which is the API describing how to communicate with a TEE. Those APIs are defined in the [ GlobalPlatform API] specifications.
     212The non-secure OS is referred to as the Rich Execution Environment (REE) in TEE specifications. It is typically a Linux OS flavor as a GNU/Linux distribution or the AOSP.
     214OP-TEE is designed primarily to rely on the Arm TrustZone technology as the underlying hardware isolation mechanism. However, it has been structured to be compatible with any isolation technology suitable for the TEE concept and goals, such as running as a virtual machine or on a dedicated CPU.
     216The main design goals for OP-TEE are:
     217* Isolation - the TEE provides isolation from the non-secure OS and protects the loaded Trusted Applications (TAs) from each other using underlying hardware support,
     218* Small footprint - the TEE should remain small enough to reside in a reasonable amount of on-chip memory as found on Arm based systems,
     219* Portability - the TEE aims at being easily pluggable to different architectures and available HW and has to support various setups such as multiple client OSes or multiple TEEs.
     221For more info:
     222 - see - see
     223 -
     225=== OP-TEE on venice
     226In general the following things need to be done to use OP-TEE in the 'SPL -> ATF -> OP-TEE -> U-Boot -> Linux' boot flow:
     227 * build ATF (bl31.bin) with OP-TEE support:
     228  - Add 'SPD=opteed' to the env to use a Secure Payload Dispatcher (SPD)
     229  - Add 'BL32_BASE=' to the env to tell the ATF (BL31) where TEE is in memory (BL32)
     230 * build TEE (tee.bin):
     231  - PLATFORM=imx
     232  - PLATFORM_FLAVOR=mx8mmevk|mx8mnevk|mv8mpevk - Use one of these depending on which SOC (imx8mm/imx8mn/imx8mp) you are using. These define CFG_UART_BASE and some memory config which we will override to suit our needs
     233  - CFG_DDR_SIZE= - Specify the DRAM size of the board you are building for. For example 1GiB=0x40000000, 2GiB=0x80000000, 4GiB=0x10000000
     234  - CFG_CORE_LARGE_PHYS_ADDR= - n for 3GiB or less DRAM, and y for larger than 3GiB DRAM
     235  - CFG_CORE_ARM64_PA_BITS= - 32 for 3GiB or less DRAM, and 36 for larger than 3GiB DRAM
     236  - CFG_TZDRAM_START= - the (link/load) address where TEE should run at
     237 * build u-Boot with the following configuration:
     238  - CONFIG_IMX_HAB=y
     239  - CONFIG_CMD_DEKBLOB=y
     240  - CONFIG_SPL_LOAD_FIT_ADDRESS=0x48000000
     241  - CONFIG_OPTEE=y
     242  - CONFIG_OPTEE_LOAD_ADDRESS= the (link/load) address for TEE that should match BL32_BASE for ATF and CFG_TZDRAM_START for OPTEE
     244Note that you have to tailor the firmware specifically for the DRAM size of your board and that it is very important to ensure that BL32_BASE (used when building ATF), CFG_TZDRAM_START (used when building OPTEE), and CONFIG_OPTEE_LOAD_ADDRESS (U-Boot's .config file) all match. This address should be the top 32MiB of DRAM but because U-Boot is loading this from its FIT image into DRAM it needs to be a 32bit address and should be adjusted down if you are on a board with 4GiB:
     245 - 1GiB DRAM use 0x7e000000
     246 - 2GiB DRAM use 0xbe000000
     247 - 3GiB or larger use 0xfe000000
     249Here are the detailed steps to build secure boot firmware for imx8mm:
     250 1. setup cross compile environment
     252# setup cross compile environment - here we will use the venice bsp toolchain/config
     253cd venice/bsp
     254. ./setup-environment
     256 1. setup additional SOC and Board specific environment:
     257  - for imx8mm:
     259export PLATFORM_FLAVOR=mx8mmevk # used for OPTEE build
     260export PLAT=imx8mm # used for ATF build
     262  - for imx8mp:
     264export PLATFORM_FLAVOR=mx8mpevk # used for OPTEE build
     265export PLAT=imx8mp # used for ATF build
     267  - for 1GiB DRAM boards:
     269export CFG_DDR_SIZE=0x40000000
     270export CFG_CORE_LARGE_PHYS_ADDR=n
     271export CFG_CORE_ARM64_PA_BITS=32
     272export CFG_TZDRAM_START=0x7f000000
     274  - for 2GiB DRAM boards:
     276export CFG_DDR_SIZE=0x80000000
     277export CFG_CORE_LARGE_PHYS_ADDR=n
     278export CFG_CORE_ARM64_PA_BITS=32
     279export CFG_TZDRAM_START=0xbf000000
     281  - for 4GiB DRAM boards:
     283export CFG_DDR_SIZE=0x100000000
     284export CFG_CORE_LARGE_PHYS_ADDR=y
     285export CFG_CORE_ARM64_PA_BITS=36
     286export CFG_TZDRAM_START=0xfe000000
     288 1. Create directories: We will create a 'secure-boot' directory containing u-boot, atf, and optee:
     290git clone secure-boot
     291git clone -b lf-6.1.1_1.0.0 secure-boot/tee
     292git clone -b lf_v2.6 secure-boot/atf
     293cd secure-boot
     295 1. Get IMX DDR training firmware:
     298/bin/sh firmware-imx-8.10.bin
     299cp firmware-imx-8.10/firmware/ddr/synopsys/lpddr4*.bin .
     301 1. Build OP-TEE
     303make -j8 -C tee \
     304  ARCH=arm \
     306  CFG_TEE_CORE_LOG_LEVEL=2 \
     307  PLATFORM=imx \
     309  O=out && ${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy -O binary tee/out/core/tee.elf ./tee.bin
     311 1. Build ATF:
     313make -j8 -C atf SPD=opteed PLAT=$PLAT BL32_BASE=$CFG_TZDRAM_START && \
     314cp atf/build/$PLAT/release/bl31.bin ./bl31.bin
     316 1. Build U-Boot:
     318# start with standard venice defconfig
     319make imx8mm_venice_defconfig # choose imx8mm/imx8mn/imx8mp depending on board SOC
     320# enable IMX_HAB/OPTEE
     321make menuconfig # search for (with /) and set CONFIG_IMX_HAB=y CONFIG_CMD_DEKBLOB=y CONFIG_SPL_LOAD_FIT_ADDRESS=0x48000000 CONFIG_OPTEE=y and CONFIG_OPTEE_LOAD_ADDRESS= set to the value of CFG_TZDRAM_START
     322make -j8 flash.bin
     324 1. Sign it:
     326# setup env to point to the CST
     327export CST_DIR=/usr/src/nxp/cst-3.3.2/
     328export CST_BIN=$CST_DIR/linux64/bin/cst
     329export CSF_KEY=$CST_DIR/crts/CSF1_1_sha256_4096_65537_v3_usr_crt.pem
     330export IMG_KEY=$CST_DIR/crts/IMG1_1_sha256_4096_65537_v3_usr_crt.pem
     331export SRK_TABLE=$CST_DIR/crts/SRK_1_2_3_4_table.bin
     332export PATH=$CST_DIR/linux64/bin:$PATH
     333# sign flash.bin
     334/bin/sh doc/imx/habv4/csf_examples/mx8m/
     335# create a JTAG image (if needed) using one of the following
     336mkimage_jtag --emmc -s --partconf=boot0 \
     337  flash.bin@boot0:erase_all:66-8192 > signed_u-boot_spl-imx8mm.bin # imx8mm emmc boot0 partition
     338mkimage_jtag --emmc -s --partconf=boot0 \
     339  flash.bin@boot0:erase_all:0-8192 > signed_u-boot_spl-imx8mp.bin # imx8mp emmc boot0 partition
     340mkimage_jtag --emmc -s --partconf=boot0 \
     341  flash.bin@boot0:erase_all:0-8192 > signed_u-boot_spl-imx8mn.bin # imx8mn emmc boot0 partition
    188344== HABv4 encrypted boot architecture