Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of expansion/gw1614xminipciem2adapter

06/01/2020 04:50:44 PM (5 years ago)
Ryan Erbstoesser

re organize page to break into 2 groups and add size information.


  • expansion/gw1614xminipciem2adapter

    v5 v6  
    11= GW1614x Mini-PCIe to M.2 Adapter
    33These adapters convert a Mini-PCIe slot on the Gateworks SBC to a M.2 B-Key slot for a M.2 Cellular Modem with Dual SIM slots. The adapter also provides SIM support for slots without a SIM.
    5 There are 2 derivations of the GW1614x:
    6  * GW16140 - USB 2.0 B-Key - Use for USB 2.0 slots.
    7    * All Ventana family
    8    * USB 2.0 slots on Newport SBCs
     5This wiki page describes the technical usage details of the adapter. For pictures, datasheets and ordering, please view the [ GW16140/GW16141 Product Page] on the main Gateworks Website.
     7It is important to compare the M.2 Pinout of the modem to the M.2 pinout of the GW1614x. to verify no pin conflicts.
     9There are 2 derivations of the GW1614x shown below.
     11==== M.2 Card Size Support
     13Supports M.2 / NGFF Sizes
     14 * 2242 (22mm wide by 42mm long)
     15 * 3042 (30mm wide by 42mm long)
     16 * 1630 (Special Order)
     17 * 2230 (Special Order)
     18 * 3030 (Special Order)
     19 * Over 42mm long Coming in Future
     23== GW16140 - USB 2.0
     24  * Supported on all Ventana family
     25  * USB 2.0 slots on Newport SBCs
    926    * GW6200 - J8
    1027    * GW6300 - J9 & J10
    1128    * GW6400 - J9 & J10 & J11
    13  * GW16141 - USB 3.0 B-Key - USB 3.0 is only supported by certain slots on Newport SBCs, USB 3.0 is not supported on Ventana. For Ventana boards always use GW16140.
    14    * Do not use on Ventana family
    15    * USB 3.0 slots on Newport SBCs - Note the USB 3.0 signals overlap with the PCIe signals so some boards have a mux to allow the slot to be configured for either PCIe signaling or USB 3.0 signaling. See link here for controlling the mux using [ HWCONFIG].
    16     * GW6100 - J6 (PCIe/USB 3.0 mux)
    17     * GW6200 - J6 (PCIe/USB 3.0 mux)
    18     * GW6300 - J11 (PCIe/USB 3.0 mux)
    19     * GW6400 - J12 (no mux - only supports USB 3.0)
    21 It is important to compare the M.2 Pinout of the modem to the M.2 pinout of the GW1614x. to verify no pin conflicts.
    23 == GW16140 - USB 2.0
    2430 * M.2 B-Key
    2531 * USB 2.0
    3036 * SIM 1 - Pin 30,32,34,36
    3137 * SIM 2 - Pin 42,44,46,48
    3239== GW16141 - USB 3.0
     41This is a USB 3.0 B-Key version. USB 3.0 is only supported by certain slots on Newport SBCs, USB 3.0 is not supported on Ventana. For Ventana boards always use GW16140.
    3344 * M.2 B-Key
     45 * Do not use on Ventana family
     46 * USB 3.0 slots on Newport SBCs - Note the USB 3.0 signals overlap with the PCIe signals so some boards have a mux to allow the slot to be configured for either PCIe signaling or USB 3.0 signaling. See link here for controlling the mux using [ HWCONFIG].
     47    * GW6100 - J6 (PCIe/USB 3.0 mux)
     48    * GW6200 - J6 (PCIe/USB 3.0 mux)
     49    * GW6300 - J11 (PCIe/USB 3.0 mux)
     50    * GW6400 - J12 (no mux - only supports USB 3.0)
    3451 * USB 3.0
    3552  * Pin 29 USB3 RX-
    4563== Support
    4664Please email [ Gateworks support] for any further questions